RJD’s Munni will wash some opponents like this, VIDEO: After leaving the clothes in the bathroom, said – I will wash the BJP like this in the Upper House

Patna3 hours agoWriters: Pranay Priyamvad

A video of Lalu-Tejashwi’s party RJD’s MLC candidate Munni Rajak has surfaced. She is taking a pledge before becoming an MLC by leaving the clothes in the bathroom. She says while washing clothes that I have been doing laundry since the very beginning. My parents also used to wash clothes. We will go to the Upper House and in the same way we will wash the BJP with a slap.

She says that whenever there is any program of RJD, they leave the laundry and go to attend it. If someone harasses a woman, then we stand up to help her. While washing clothes, Munni Rajak further says that she will bring down the BJP government by washing her hands. Munni is not very educated but very quick to speak. Have the courage to fight.

MLC candidate Munni Rajak washing clothes from RJD.

MLC candidate Munni Rajak washing clothes from RJD.

Even while making the nomination, the BJP was attacked

Munni Devi had attacked the BJP as soon as the nomination was filed. He wrote on his social media- ‘We are washermen not only by caste but also by our profession. The way we wash clothes by tossing, in the same way we will wash the communal forces by tossing them in the house.’

Munni runs without mobile, assets worth 23 lakhs

RJD’s Legislative Council candidate Munni Devi had filed her nomination in the Assembly on Monday. According to the affidavit filed here, Munni Devi, who did not even have her own mobile, is the owner of property worth Rs 23 lakh. According to the details given during the nomination, Munni Devi has movable and immovable assets worth Rs 8 lakh and Rs 15 lakh. He said that no case of any kind was registered against him. A loan of Rs 6.6 lakh is running in his name.

Munni Devi has cash of Rs 35,000. She is the owner of more than 150 grams of gold and 1 kg of silver. Apart from this, her husband has assets worth Rs 54,793 thousand. On the other hand, his elder son has assets worth Rs 58,425, while his two younger children have assets of less than Rs 1000.

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