Rising Covid-19 deaths in Jorhat, Golaghat districts worry health officials. Guwahati News – Times of India

Jorhat: Health department officials are worried about the increasing death toll of Kovid-19 in the district. Jorhat And Golaghat Districts where 10 people succumbed to the virus in the last 24 hours despite a drop in the positivity rate in the last few days.
Officials are worried as a large number of patients are still being treated in hospitals in both Jorhat and Golaghat.
Jorhat Deputy Commissioner Ashok Kumar Barman said that six people below 45 years of age have died in the last 24 hours, taking the death toll in the district to 282. About 1,300 people are undergoing treatment Jorhat Medical College and Hospital (JMCH) and other Covid care centers in the district on Monday.
An official of the health department in Jorhat said, “For the first time, the positivity rate in Jorhat has gone below 1% on Monday. In the last seven days, a total of 38,061 people were tested positive for the virus and 728 people were found positive for Covid- 19. ”
In Golaghat district, four people have died due to Kovid-19 in the last 24 hours. Two of the four were women and one was about 19 years old. All of them died in JMCH.
An official of the health department in Golaghat said, “The positivity rate has come down to 1% for the first time in Golaghat. Around 50 people tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 24 hours. The district has 1,022 active cases so far. ”
Both Jorhat and Golaghat districts are under 24-hour curfew and complete control since July 7. On July 20, the government extended the curfew in both the districts for the second time in a row. Jorhat district administration gave permission to open grocery shops till 3 pm. Whereas Golaghat had allowed it from July 20 till 5 pm. Except emergency services in Jorhat and Golaghat, all other services are closed since July 7.


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