Republican Senator Hawley Delays Confirmation of Nides’ Israel Ambassador

WASHINGTON – US Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) on Tuesday voted to block eight nominees, including President Biden’s ambassadors. Thomas Niedes, designated to serve as ambassador to Israel. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, asked the Senate to unanimously confirm several candidates.

Hawley said he objected on behalf of him and many of his Republican allies. “Many of my colleagues have objections to all the nominees, so I will object here on their behalf and also on my behalf with respect to some of them,” he said.

Before the vote, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer criticized Republicans for their objection, calling it “constraintism”.

“The president relies on an army of dedicated public servants who play a vital role in our government,” Schumer said. “But for months, some Senate Republicans have gone to great lengths to hold vainly over these hundred-plus nominees. The result — scores of empty desks at the State Department and our embassies and the Treasury Department and other agencies.”

“These nominees are not controversial,” Schumer continued. “They routinely confirm consent in this chamber until some people decide they want to make a big show out of it for whatever reason. No one has ever done this before. For example, the Trump administration. Up to this point in the U.S., the two sides work together to ratify 32 ambassadors by voice vote. Most of us didn’t like it. Trump Administration Or the people he is appointing, but we had such integrity not to let politics enter into decisions that were routine decisions. Right now, Republican constraintism means that only four candidates have been agreed.”

US Senator Bob Menendez.  (Credit: Reuters/Eduardo Munoz)US Senator Bob Menendez. (Credit: Reuters/Eduardo Munoz)

Hawley dismissed Schumer’s criticism in his remarks. “I agree that many of these nominees are important, and in fact, there is a reason why we should vote on them,” he said. “Comments from the Senate Majority Leader as if he has no control over the calendar – he is the majority leader of the United States Senate – he decides when we vote, he decides what we vote for.” “

“They have taken us out of the session so the members of the corridor can go on a field trip to Glasgow, Scotland,” Hawley said.

Senator Menendez responded to Hawley, saying that during the Trump administration, many candidates were approved by voice vote. “We will not have an ambassador in Israel as we deal with challenges from Iran and other regions,” Menendez said. “It’s mind-boggling; everyone who gets up here and talks about the importance of our ally, the State of Israel, the State of Israel, but we won’t have an ambassador there to help us meet Israel’s challenges. “

The Israel Policy Forum said in a statement on Tuesday: “A strong US-Israel relationship requires strong diplomatic representation, allowing the two sides to work in close partnership and resolve disagreements amicably. We are disappointed that Tom Nides, who is unquestionably qualified to serve as ambassador to Israel, has been barred from being swiftly confirmed on the Senate floor. We call on the Senate to act. so that Mr. Nides can begin the important work of representing America and its interests in Jerusalem.