Relatives make fun of us over girl’s birth: Tokyo star Nisha Warsi’s parents Gurgaon News – Times of India

Rohtak: A tiny house in Sonepat Colony has become the most sought-after home after the Indian women’s hockey team defeated Australia. Tokyo Olympics. This is the house where the defender of the Indian women’s hockey team Nisha Warsi He spent many years growing up and working hard to realize his dream of playing for the country.
her dad Sorav WarsiA tailor by profession recalled the day she was born and how her relatives made fun of the family at the birth of the girl. Today the same girl is illuminating the name of the Warsi family. In 2016, a paralytic attack had left me bedridden and I could not continue earning. When the family was struggling for two meals a day, Nisha was working hard for hockey and sometimes asked for expensive shoes, kits etc.,” he said. He said that people also started saying that now is the time to fulfill their daughter’s dream of playing for the country.
Those were tough days, said Nisha’s mother Mehroon, who started working as a factory worker so that her daughter could pursue her passion. “When I used to drop him at the stadium at 4 in the morning even on winter days, people used to question me and say that we will not get it anywhere. It has paid off today,” she said.
The Warsi couple said that there were some issues regarding sports attire. “As per Muslim custom, women do not keep their bodies below the knees and Nisha keeps covering her legs with leggings while playing hockey. Even her coach used to ask her to wear sports outfits like other girls, but Nisha convinced her,” he said.
“We spoke to him after the match against Australia and he promised to win a gold medal for the country,” he said. It’s been six months since I saw Nisha, as she was busy preparing for the tournament and the Olympics. Nisha is now employed in the Railways and helps the family earn.


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