Regrouping of armed forces ‘top priority’, says Afghan president

accept: Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani has assured to prevent further instability, violence and displacement of people, calling the realignment of the country’s armed forces a “top priority”.

“In the current situation, realignment of Afghan security and defense forces is our top priority,” said Ghani, ANI credited Tolo News.

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“I can assure you that as your president, my focus is on preventing further instability, violence and displacement of people,” he said.

Ghani said he would not allow the “war to be imposed on Afghans with more killings, loss of profits for the past 20 years, destruction of public property”.

Reuters reported that the president, in his address to the Afghan people, said he was discussing the situation with local leaders and international partners.

Ghani’s address to the nation comes at a time when the number of civilians fleeing Taliban attacks is on the rise.

Moving quickly towards the capital, Kabul, the Taliban have so far captured the country’s second largest city, Kandahar, and several other provincial capitals.

The rebels also took control of the nearby city of Lashkar Gah and now occupy a third of the country’s provincial capitals.

read also: Afghanistan crisis: Government officials, 207 Corps commanders surrender after Taliban capture

The development comes as the United States and other foreign troops return after 20 years of military operations.


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