Registration for booster dose starts from today: Priority to comorbidity with frontline workers, booking will be done online as well as offline

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  • Covid19 Corona Precautionary Dose Appointment Open Today For Third Vaccine Shot View Details

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Eligible people can book an appointment online on Saturday evening, ie from today, for the booster dose (precaution dose as per the government) to be taken from January 10. Apart from this, offline registration can also be done by visiting the vaccination center.

Precaution dosage in the country is to be given to three priority groups- health workers, frontline workers and people above 60 years of age with comorbidities (severe diseases). PM Modi had announced this on 25 December.

According to the guidelines issued by the government, the precaution dose can be taken only after nine months (39 weeks) from the date of administering the second dose of corona vaccine. Whenever the person concerned becomes eligible for a prescription dose, Covin will send him a text message informing him that his third dose or prescription dose is due.

Is there any certificate required to get the Precaution Dose administered?

Precaution dosage is to be applied only to those people above 60 years of age who are suffering from comorbidities (more than one disease). The government has released a list of 22 diseases that come under comorbidity. The Union Health Ministry has clarified that all persons 60 years of age and above with comorbidities will not be required to produce/produce any certificate from a doctor for taking Precaution dosage. However, such people have been asked to consult a doctor before taking the precaution dosage.

It is not mandatory to book slots only on CoWIN for Precaution Dose. However, the person taking the vaccine dose will be able to get information about the vaccine centers giving the vaccine dose only through Covin. According to the guideline, after taking the preparation dose or the third dose, its information will start appearing in the vaccine certificate of the beneficiary.

Will I have to pay for the preparation dose?
Precaution doses will be free of cost at government vaccine centers. However, money will have to be paid for this at private hospitals or vaccine centers. The government has said that all citizens are entitled to free corona vaccine, irrespective of their income. Also, the government has urged people that those who are able to pay are encouraged to use vaccine centers in private hospitals.

2 crore children have got the vaccine
More than 20 million doses have been taken so far in child vaccination, which started on January 3 for a child of 15 to 18 years. Apart from this, more than 2 crore 19 lakh people have got registered. Online as well as offline registration can be done for child vaccination.

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