Reduce the import of tea, United Planters Association of South India requested the Central Government. Coimbatore News – Times of India

Udhagamandalam: United Planters Association of South India (UPC) has sought the intervention of the Central Government to reduce the imports of Tea from Kenya, Nepal and Vietnam because it has been detrimental to the domestic tea sector.
In a press release issued in the town on Tuesday, Upasi said that during the first quarter (January-March) of 2020, the quantity of imported tea stood at 2.49 million kg, while it increased to 5.96 million kg for the same period in 2021. Significant jump of 139.36%.
Tea imports during 2020 were estimated to be 23.40 million kg as against 15.85 million kg in the previous year, a growth of 47.63%.
On the other hand, the domestic tea sector is witnessing rising cost of production due to higher input cost and higher wage cost. Any higher consumption of tea through imports will have a clear impact on the region which caters to a large segment of the population living in remote areas.
On the other hand, the export of tea was clearly affected by the fall in the quantity exported and the value received.
For example, tea exports were down 42,430 tonnes in 2020 and the declining trend continued during the first four months of 2021.
Shortage of containers, especially food grade containers and increase in freight charges had become a deterrent for plantation exports, including tea, from India, the release said.
President of UPASI Prashant Bhansali Said, “Tea is an important agricultural industry which employs 2.12 lakh growers and 11.65” lakh employees. 50 per cent of the production in the country comes from the small producing sector.”
“Under the ASEAN agreement, the import duty for tea was gradually reduced from 2009 onwards,” he said.
Therefore, UPASI suggests that the Government of India should closely monitor the import of tea and implement the provisions of the Tea (Distribution and Export) Control Order 2005 to protect the tea industry in India.


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