Red Martyr of Bihar in Srinagar Terror Attack: Told daughter for the last time- Go to school everyday, be a good daughter; Wife said – how will we live

Munger6 hours ago

Martyred jawan Vishal Kumar (file photo) and his daughter Bihu Bharti.

Lal Vishal Kumar of Bihar has been martyred in the terrorist attack on Lal Chowk in Srinagar. As soon as the news of the martyrdom of CRPF jawan Vishal Kumar, a resident of Munger’s Haveli Khadakpur, was received by the family, there was a wave of mourning. There is mourning in the village. Villagers and relatives have started visiting his house. The mortal remains of the martyr were brought to Patna on Tuesday. From here it will be taken to Munger.

In fact, terrorists attacked a CRPF contingent in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir on Monday. Terrorists opened indiscriminate fire on CRPF personnel in Maisuma of Lal Chowk. In which Lal Vishal of Munger was martyred. Two jawans were injured in the attack.

Martyr Vishal was the father of two daughters
Vishal Naki was the son of 112-year-old Sarayug Mandal, a retired railway employee from the village. He was the youngest of his four brothers (late Uma Shankar Mandal, Ghanshyam Mandal, Chandrashekhar Mandal). In 2003, he was appointed in the CRPF. Vishal was married in 2009 to Babita Kumari, daughter of Surendra Mandal. They have 2 daughters (7 years old Bihu Bharti and 4 years old Srishti Kumari).

Innocent daughter does not know, father’s call will never come now

The daughter of the martyr jawan is aware of the death of her father, but does not understand. 7-year-old Bihu is repeatedly saying, ‘Papa had called in the morning, saying that he has to go to school everyday. To be a good daughter Got the call this morning. The call will come in the night also. The family members are explaining to him that this will not happen now. Papa’s call will not come. Yet he does not have enough understanding to understand it. He does not know that now his father’s call will never come and neither will the father wake up and hug his daughter.

7-year-old daughter Bihu is not even aware of her father's martyrdom.

7-year-old daughter Bihu is not even aware of her father’s martyrdom.

came home on holi holiday
Vishal had come to his house during the holiday of Holi. After celebrating Holi, he went to Jammu and Kashmir on duty on 25 March. Where on Monday night, terrorists were martyred in the firing of terrorists at Lal Chowk in Srinagar. Martyr’s brother Ghanshyam Mandal told that Vishal had come in Holi and got his daughter admitted in Q Max Public School.

how will we live
After the news, there was a gloomy atmosphere in the entire district. After the death of the husband, his wife is in a bad condition. Weepingly she was saying that she had taken land next year only. were building houses. The roof had not even been cast. Our house was destroyed. Who will build the house now? Who will teach both the daughters? How will we live

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