Rebellion against Taliban rule: Anti-Taliban forces gathering in Panjshir, captured the Charikar area and hoisted the flag of the Northern Alliance

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  • Afghanistan Taliban War; Under the leadership of Amrullah Saleh, the soldiers captured Charikar, hoisted the flag in Panjshiro

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It has been only 4 days since the Taliban occupation in Afghanistan and the rebellion against this regime has started. Anti-Taliban forces are gathering in Panjshir. These include former President of Afghanistan Amrullah Saleh, General Abdul Rashid Dostum, who is called the War Lord of Afghanistan, soldiers of Ata Mohammad Noor and the forces of Ahmed Masood.

Apart from occupying the Charikar area, these rebel forces have also hoisted the flag of the Northern Alliance, or United Islamic Front, in Panjshir. The flag of the Alliance has been hoisted for the first time since 2001 in the Panjshir Valley.

Demonstration in Jalalabad too, Taliban suppressed it with bullets
A similar incident has come to the fore in Jalalabad. Here people put the flag of Afghanistan in the midst of the Taliban regime, which the Taliban tried to remove and put their own flag. During this, people clashed with the Taliban and to intimidate the people, they opened fire with the Taliban, in which one person is reported to have been killed.

Jalalabad was the last city to be captured by the Taliban before Kabul. Here people started demonstrating with Afghan flags on the streets and after this the Taliban started firing. After that, the performance got lighter.

Talibanis attacked from two sides in Panjshir
According to reports, Saleh’s forces have captured the Charikar area in Parwan Province. Afghan troops attacked the Pakistani-backed Taliban in the outskirts of Panjshir and drove them away. This can be called a great success of the Northern Alliance, because Charikar connects Kabul with Mazar-e-Sharif, the largest city in northern Afghanistan.

Preparation to capture the entire Panjshir
Reports also suggest that soldiers loyal to the Afghan government, led by Marshals Abdul Rashid Dostum and Ata Mohammad Noor, are joining forces with Saleh and now intend to capture the entire Panjshir area. During the capture of Charikar, Saleh’s forces attacked from the Panjshir side and Dostum’s forces attacked from the north.

Panjshir is the only province outside Taliban control. Reports also said that in addition to the forces of Saleh and Dostum, insurgents of Ahmed Masood have also turned against the Taliban. Ahmed Masood is the son of former Afghan leader Ahmed Shah Masood, who was known as Sher of Panjshir. The strength of Masood’s rebels is increasing.

Northern Alliance is alive again after 21 years

In 1996, when Afghanistan was occupied by the Taliban, the same Northern Alliance started its opposition. It also had the support of some foreign countries and before that the anti-Taliban Mujahideen were also associated. The alliance was led by Ahmed Shah Masood, the former Defense Minister of Afghanistan. Initially there were only Tajakhs in this alliance, but later the chieftains of other tribes also joined it.

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