Read Sundar Pichai’s email to Google employees on their way back to office – Times of India

Google has confirmed that it has delayed bringing employees back to offices. The tech giant has also announced that only fully vaccinated employees will be allowed to return to its campuses. Google CEO Sundar Pichai Sent an email to company employees about plans to return to offices. “Vaccination is a big reason why we felt comfortable opening some of our offices to employees who wanted to return early,” Pichai said. And I must say it was great to see Googlers Brainstorming about whiteboards and enjoying a meal at cafes again in many offices that have already reopened globally. ”
The India-born CEO told employees that vaccination is one of the most important ways to keep themselves and their communities healthy in the months ahead.
Google has extended its work from home policy till October 18. Here is Pichai’s email, which was published on Google’s blog, in full:

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all taking good care. Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve put the well-being of our Google community front and center. We have done this while taking care of our customers and partners, launching over 200 new products and features to help people and businesses navigate these difficult times.

In March 2020, we made the initial decision to send employees home to slow the spread covid. Since then, we have increased our carer’s leave coverage to help employees care for loved ones. We have continued to cover the full salary of the employees working on campus who could not do their work due to the closure of the office. And, we’ve made sure Googlers and our expanded workforce have access to vaccines as soon as they become available locally. Additionally, thanks to Googlers for their generosity and support. Google orgWe have helped Gavi to fully vaccinate more than 1 million people in low- and middle-income countries globally.

Even as the virus continues to spread in many parts of the world, it is encouraging for our Google community to see very high vaccination rates in areas where vaccines are widely available. This is a big reason why we felt comfortable opening some of our offices to employees who wanted to return early. And I have to say, it’s great to see Googlers brainstorming around whiteboards and enjoying food at cafes again in the many offices that have already reopened globally.

Vaccination is one of the most important ways to keep yourself and your communities healthy in the months ahead. As we look towards a global return to our offices, I want to share two key updates:

  • First, anyone coming to work on our campuses will need to be vaccinated. We are rolling out this policy in the US in the coming weeks and will be expanding it to other regions in the coming months. Implementation will vary according to local conditions and regulations, and will not apply until vaccines become widely available in your area. You’ll receive guidance from your local lead on how this will affect you, and we’ll also share more details on the exception process for people who cannot be vaccinated for medical or other protected reasons.
  • Second, we are extending our global voluntary work-from-home policy until October 18. We are excited that we have begun to reopen our campuses and encourage Googlers who feel safe and sites that have already opened to continue to do so. Also, we recognize that many Googlers are seeing spikes in their communities due to the delta version and are concerned about returning to office. This expansion will give us time to get back to work while providing flexibility for those who need it. We will continue to review data carefully and notify you at least 30 days prior to making changes to our full Return to Office plans. For those of you with special circumstances, we will soon share expanded temporary work options that will allow you to apply to work from home until the end of 2021. We are also extending year-end extended carer’s leave for parents and caregivers.

I know that many of you are dealing with very challenging circumstances related to the pandemic. While much is beyond our control, I am proud that we continue to care for each other while helping people, businesses and communities in this difficult time.

I hope these steps will give everyone more peace of mind as offices reopen. Seeing Googlers together in offices over the past few weeks filled me with optimism, and I look forward to brighter days ahead.


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