Read Parag Agarwal’s email to employees on becoming new Twitter CEO – Times of India

Twitter There will be a new CEO soon. of Indian origin Parag Agarwal, who is currently the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of Twitter, will replace him. jack dorsey, Dorsey made the announcement in a note shared with Twitter employees. Soon after Dorsey’s email, Agarwal sent an email to all Twitter employees confirming the news.
In the email, Aggarwal explained how over the 10 years they’ve been together social media Forum. “There’s no limit to what we can do together,” Agarwal told Twitter employees.
Here is his full email to all Twitter employees:
Thanks, Jack. I am honored and humbled. And I am grateful for your continued guidance and your friendship. I am grateful for the service, culture, spirit, and purpose you created, that you fostered among us, and for leading the company through truly significant challenges. I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me and your continued partnership.
Team, above all, I am grateful to all of you, and it is you who inspire confidence in our future together. I joined this company 10 years ago when there were less than 1,000 employees
While those were a decade ago, those days seem like yesterday to me. I have walked in your place, I have seen ups and downs, challenges and obstacles, victories and mistakes. But then and now, above all, I see the incredible impact of Twitter, our continued progress, and the exciting opportunities ahead of us.
Our purpose has never been more important. Our people and our culture are different from anything else in the world. There is no limit to what we can do together.
We have recently updated our strategy to achieve ambitious goals, and I believe that strategy should be bold and correct. But our key challenge is how we work against it and deliver results – that’s how we can make Twitter the best we can for our customers, shareholders and each of you. I want you to visit #LoveWhereYouWork and love how we work together for the biggest possible impact.
I know some of you know me very well, some only a little, and some not at all. Let’s consider ourselves at the beginning—the first step toward our future. I’m sure you have lots of questions and lots more for us to discuss. All in all, tomorrow we will have plenty of time for Q&A and discussion. This will be the start of an ongoing open, direct conversation that I want us to have together.
The world is watching us right now, more than ever. Many people are going to have different views and opinions about today’s news. It’s because they care about Twitter and our future, and it’s a sign that the work we do here matters. Let’s show the world the full potential of Twitter!
# a team
