Rape and murder of Dalit girl in Delhi: Rahul Gandhi said – will bring justice to the victim’s family; Allegations against 4 people including the priest of the crematorium

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Rahul Gandhi talks to the family of a minor girl who was allegedly raped and murdered in Old Nangal area of ​​Delhi

New Delhi3 hours ago

Rahul, after meeting the girl’s parents on Wednesday, said that the victim’s family only wants justice, they don’t want anything else.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday met the victim’s family in connection with the rape and murder of a 9-year-old Dalit girl in Delhi. After this meeting, Rahul said that the victim’s family wants justice, they do not want anything else. The victim’s family says that justice is not being done to them, so they need help. Rahul Gandhi said that we will stand with him till justice is done. Let us inform that in this case 4 people, including the priest of the temple located in the crematorium of Nangal village, are accused.

Kejriwal also met the victim’s family, announced 10 lakh help
After Rahul, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has also met the victim’s family. Kejriwal said that the loss caused to this family cannot be compensated, but the Delhi government will give them 10 lakh rupees. A magisterial inquiry will be conducted into the matter. For this, top lawyers will be appointed so that the culprits can get strict punishment. On the other hand, Bhim Army Chief Chandra Shekhar has also met the victim’s family and said that his organization will participate in the demonstration to get justice for the girl.

On the other hand, the local people are also protesting against this incident since Sunday night. This case is of Old Nangal village of Delhi. Where a 9-year-old Dalit girl who went to get water from the water cooler of the crematorium was raped and murdered. In this case 4 people including the priest of the temple located in the crematorium, Radheshyam are accused. The girl’s mother says that the accused also performed the last rites of the girl without her consent.

The accused misled the girl’s family
The priest and some of his companions had called the girl’s family and told that the girl had died due to electrocution while filling water from the water cooler. He told the girl’s mother not to tell the police or else the postmortem of the girl would be done and her organs would be removed. Saying this, the accused had hurriedly cremated the girl.

Sambit Patra said – politics on rape is the lowest level of politics
Targeting Rahul Gandhi, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra has said that if an attempt is made to do politics on the incident of rape, then it is the lowest level of politics. Sambit Patra said, ‘Yesterday also Rahul Gandhi tweeted yesterday that Dalit’s daughter Hindustan ki daughter… there is no doubt in this. Dalit’s daughter is Hindustan’s daughter and she should get justice. But Dalit’s daughter belongs to Rajasthan, isn’t she the daughter of Hindustan? A Dalit’s daughter belongs to Chhattisgarh, is she not of Hindustan.

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