Rani Durgavati death anniversary: ​​All you need to know about the queen of Gondwana

Ancient Madan Mahal in Jabalpur.  (Image: Shutterstock)

Ancient Madan Mahal in Jabalpur. (Image: Shutterstock)

Queen Durgavati ascended the throne of Gondwana after the death of her husband in 1550.

Rani Durgavati Death Anniversary: Rani Durgavati, the queen of Gondwana, is a remarkable icon of feminism in India. He was born in a Chandeli family in Uttar Pradesh. In 1542, she married Dalpat Shah, son of Raja Sangram Shah of the Gondwana Kingdom. After the death of her husband in 1550, Queen Durgavati ascended the throne of Gondwana.

The queen took out her knife and killed herself on the battlefield on June 24, 1564. This happened after his kingdom was attacked by the Mughal army, which ensured its downfall.

Today, on the occasion of her death anniversary, we will look at ten lesser known facts about Rani Durgavati and her illustrious legacy:

  1. The queen was born on the auspicious Hindu festival of Durgashtami, which is why she was given the name Durgavati.
  2. Rani Durgavati had heard about Dalpat Shah’s valor before her marriage. Then he wished to make her his life partner and wrote her a secret letter. Shortly after this incident, Shah got married at his Kuldevi temple.
  3. With the help of Diwan Behar Aadhar Simha and minister Man Thakur, the queen successfully ruled the Gondwana kingdom for 16 years.
  4. The queen was well trained in horse riding, archery, and other sports, and was renowned for her martial abilities.
  5. Rani Durgavati is considered an excellent hunter. When he heard that a tiger had appeared, he did not drink the water until he shot it.
  6. Rani Durgavati fought with the army of the Mughal emperor Akbar and in the first battle drove them out of her kingdom.
  7. During the last battle with the Mughal army, the queen intended to attack the opponents at night, but was refused by her lieutenants. The next day the Mughals arrived with heavy weapons.
  8. When her ministers mentioned the strength of the Mughal army, the queen replied, “It is better to die with dignity than to live without self-respect. I have spent a long time serving my country and this time I am spoiling it.” I will not let it happen. There is no option but to fight.”
  9. India will never forget its martyrs, which is why June 24 is celebrated as ‘Sacrifice Day’.
  10. The Government of Madhya Pradesh called Jabalpur University ‘Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya’ in 1983. His name is also associated with museums, postage stamps and a railway.

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