Rajnath’s strong message to China: Defense Minister said – If someone teases India, India will not leave, we are now a powerful country

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  • Defense Minister said – India will not leave if someone teases India, now we are a powerful country

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Giving a strong message to China from US soil, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has said that India will not spare anyone if it is damaged, because under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has emerged as a powerful country and is moving forward. India is moving towards being among the top three economies of the world.

Addressing the Indian-American community in San Francisco, the Defense Minister spoke about the valor shown by Indian soldiers on the border with China. He said- I cannot say openly what the Indian soldiers did and what decisions we (government) took.

China got the message
I can say with certainty that a message has been sent to China that if India suffers, India will not spare anyone. ‘If someone teases India, he will not leave India.’

India doesn’t believe in zero sum game diplomacy
Rajnath gave a message to America that India does not believe in the diplomacy of zero sum game. Our relations with any country cannot be at the cost of the loss of another country. He said that if India has good relations with one country, it does not mean that its relations with any other country will deteriorate.

India’s pride has risen
His remarks came amid some unease in Washington over India’s position on the Ukraine crisis and its decision to purchase concessional Russian oil. Rajnath said that the image of India has changed. India’s pride has increased. No power in the world can stop India from becoming the top three economy of the world in the next few years.

Congratulations on maintaining the identity
Rajnath told a group of Indian-American people that I congratulate you for maintaining the Indian identity. Indians living outside India have always taken pride in calling themselves Indians. Rajnath stressed that there is stability and continuity in the relations between the two countries. Both countries have played an important role in maintaining it.

Singh said the Indian diaspora has been rising to new heights in the US and has played a key role in this relationship. The people of India are always proud of the achievements that people of Indian origin achieve here.

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