Rajkot Commissioner’s office deserted after CP shunt out. Rajkot News – Times of India

Rajkot: The Rajkot Police Commissionerate office looked deserted on Tuesday after Police Commissioner Manoj Agarwal was removed from the post of Principal of State Reserve Police Training School in Junagadh late on Monday night.
Agarwal was transferred a month after Rajkot MLA Govind Patel and corruption allegations were leveled against him by some businessmen.
Agarwal is on leave and is expected to be officially relieved on Wednesday after he returns to office. senior ips officer Vikas SahayThose who were entrusted with the investigation of the allegations submitted their report regarding the allegations of corruption.
The transfer comes along with downgrading the post to DIG level in Junagadh. The government has ordered three probes against Agarwal, including a case of bribery to ACB, probe into disproportionate assets (DA) and a departmental inquiry into all other charges.
MLA Patel On February 2, a letter was written to the junior home minister Harsh Sanghvi alleging that Agarwal and the crime branch had sought commission in the recovery of fraud and fraud cases. Businessman Mahesh Sakhia had alleged that he was asked to pay 15% commission to recover the fraudulent amount. This letter became public on 5 February
Mahesh’s elder brother Jagjivan also gave electronic evidence and witness statements to corroborate his allegation. Rajya Sabha MP Ram Mokariya also joined them and made similar allegations.
Aggarwal, considered close to the former chief minister Vijay Rupani, had argued before the inquiry committee that he had been made a scapegoat in a political battle. The Sakhia brothers and MLA Govind Patel expressed satisfaction over the action and thanked Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Sanghvi for taking action against the CP.
Regarding the ACB probe, Sakhia told reporters that he was told that giving bribe is also a crime. “I am ready for the consequences and ready to face ACB action. But we were forced to pay because our work would not have been done otherwise. ,