Rajasthan’s daughter tops the country: Radhika of Jhunjhunu won the CA final exam, said – there is no shortcut to success

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Jhunjhunu’s daughter Radhika has topped the CA final exam in the country. The result was announced on February 10. Mukundgarh-born Radhika Beriwala has scored 640 marks (80%) out of 800. Radhika has completed her studies in Surat. Her father Chauthmal is a businessman in Surat. Chauthmal had also made it to the Rajasthan Board’s merit list. Dainik Bhaskar spoke to Radhika, who came to Jhunjhunu to attend the family wedding ceremony.

no shortcut to hard working
Radhika said – There is no shortcut to hard working. Worked hard for the exam. The family was supportive. If given a chance to the daughters, they can go to the moon too. Radhika told that I was confident of being successful, but I did not think that I would come top in the country. When Radhika’s result came, there was an atmosphere of marriage in the house. This quadrupled the happiness at the daughter’s success.

The whole family is brilliant in studies
Radhika had 10 CGPA in class X and 96.40 per cent in class XII. He studied from CBSE. His younger brother Priyanshu also passed the CA Foundation Level 1 exam on Thursday itself. Father Chauthmal and mother Asha told that they have come to the family wedding in Jhunjhunu. The name that the daughter has earned, can not be forgotten for the rest of her life. The result of the daughter in the middle of marriage brought tears of happiness in the eyes.

Radhika’s father also came in merit
Radhika’s father Chauthmal himself has also been a topper of Rajasthan Board. He was seventh in state merit in 10th and fourth in state merit in 12th commerce. His dream was to become an IAS, but it could not happen. He did business in Surat. This is the first time that a student of the district has achieved this success in the CA examination. Radhika, who got the first rank in CA, was born in Mukundgarh. When she was one year old, the family shifted to Surat. A few days back, Radhika has come to the maternal uncle’s house in Jhunjhunu to get married.

Don’t take stress of exam or result
Talking about her method of study, Radhika said that she completed what was taught in the class on the same day. The work was not kept pending. Never put any tension regarding the exam and result. Stress reduces brain power by half. He used to listen to songs for peace of mind. Used to watch movies and used to meet most in the family. While studying, I focused only on studies. All subjects were given equal importance. Today my entire family is very happy with this success.

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