Rajasthan: 15 year old tribal girl murdered in Bundi, 2 in custody Jaipur News – Times of India

Kota: A 15-year-old tribal girl’s dead body was found with severe injuries on her neck, head and bite marks from the forest near Kalakuwa village under Basoli police station area of ​​the district. Bundi,
Suspecting the murder of the minor after the rape, the police on Friday morning detained two accused including a minor boy and they are being interrogated.
SHO of Basoli police station Ramvilas Gurjar said that the parents of the deceased minor were from Nemka Kheda village in Bundi district and they had taken a piece of land on rent in Kalakuwa village for farming, he further said that the minor had to be handed over to two other residents of the village. Joining the girls, they went to graze the goats in the forest on Thursday afternoon.
Gurjar said, when the relatives searched the minor, they found his naked body in the forest about 500 meters from their agricultural area, after which they informed the police around 7.40 pm on Thursday. He said the minor is most likely to have been raped before the murder.
The SHO said the police on Friday morning detained two suspects, one of whom is a minor, belonging to the Bhil tribal community and lived in a tin shade in a nearby agricultural area.
Police registered a case against unidentified accused under sections 302, 201, 376(2) (n) and sections of the POCSO Act and handed over the body to the family members after the post-mortem by the medical board on Friday morning, he added.
Bundi SP Jai Yadav also reached the spot late on Thursday evening and took stock of the situation.
Yadav said the police are very close to unraveling the case and have detained two suspects on Friday morning, though the involvement of the third accused in the case cannot be ruled out.
The SP said that it is yet to be verified whether it was a case of gang rape as the police are collating the evidence and probing the crime scene.
