Railways started ‘Baby Birth’: Now there will be no fear of the child falling if the mother changes her side, nowhere else in the world

  • Hindi News
  • Women
  • Now There Will Be No Fear Of The Child Falling After Changing The Mother’s Side, Nowhere Else In The World

New Delhi6 minutes ago

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The mother has to face a lot of difficulties in the train journey with her small child. The berth of the train is enough for one person only. After putting the child to sleep next to it, there is no room left for the mother. There is also a risk of falling when the child is put to sleep on the side. In such a situation, most of the mothers are able to travel only after waking up. Now Indian Railways has started ‘Baby Birth’, understanding this sorrow of mothers. This will be a small berth outside the berth. Where the baby can be put to sleep.

Nowhere else in the world, people are praising

Let us tell you that the concept of a separate berth attached to the mother’s berth for young children is completely new. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world. Initially, Railways started it as a test. If it gets a good response, then it will be brought in more trains in the coming time. The baby birth will be attached to the lower birth.

Railways gave a gift on Mother’s Day, DRM tweeted and told

Railways has started this special facility on the occasion of Mother’s Day. The DRM of Lucknow Division of Northern Railway has given this information by tweeting. In the tweet, he said that initially, as a pilot project, this facility has been given in Lucknow Mail, a train going from Delhi to Lucknow.

A stopper has also been installed in ‘Baby Birth’. in order to prevent the child from falling. This seat can also be moved up and down.

Some women are saying that by sleeping on the side, the child will be stolen

Some women are also opposing this decision of the Railways. They say that giving the baby birth on the side is a wasteful decision. One user wrote that ‘Women usually make their child sleep against the wall. Sleeping on the shore will put the child in danger of being stolen.

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