Rahul’s latest attack on Modi govt: ‘What is happening to Muslims in India today, happened to Dalits in 1980s’

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in America
Image Source: PTI Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in America

‘Love’s Shop’ event: congress leader Rahul Gandhi Has once again hit out at the Modi government for allegedly promoting atrocities against the minority community in India and said the current situation is similar to the 1980s when Dalits were targeted in Uttar Pradesh. “What is happening to Muslims in India today is what happened to Dalits in the 1980s,” Gandhi said during an event in San Francisco on Wednesday.

Gandhi made the latest attack while speaking at the ‘Mohabbat Ki Dukan’ event in San Francisco, USA. He alleged that the effects of some actions of the BJP-led government were being felt by minorities and people from Dalit and tribal communities.

“It’s being felt most directly by Muslims because it’s done to them most directly. But really, it’s done to all communities. The way you (Muslims) feel attacked I can guarantee Sikhs, Christians, Dalits and Dalits.” The tribals are also feeling the same. You cannot kill hate with hate, but only with love and affection.”

“Also, it is a periodic thing. What is happening to Muslims in India today happened to Dalits in the 1980s. If you went to UP in the 1980s, it was happening to Dalits. .. We have to challenge it, fight it and do it with love and affection and not hate and we will do it.”

PM Modi never talks about inflation, unemployment

Meanwhile, Gandhi, who is on a six-day visit to the US, attacked the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, claiming that it did not want to discuss key issues like price rise, unemployment and inequality and was trying to divert attention .

“I would have to see how they plan to do it (delimitation exercise to increase the number of MPs). What criteria are they using? I would be interested to know how they came up with the number of 800. These things should not be done lightly. India is a conversation, a conversation between its languages, its people, its history and its culture. And the conversation should be fair.

“All sections of the country should feel that there is fairness in the process of dialogue. But, these are all distractions. The real issue is price rise, unemployment and inequality. The BJP cannot really discuss these, so they Gotta do it.” The old scepter is thin. He is doing all this while lying down. Aren’t you glad I’m not lying down?” she asked.

‘If Muslims are not treated fairly in India’: Sitharaman

Interestingly, the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman who had traveled to the US in April this year, claimed that Muslims in India are treated fairly by the current government. Speaking at an event at the Peterson Institute for International Economics – an American think tank based in Washington – he said the West should consider that if the Muslim community in India is not being treated fairly, how is it possible that their population is decreasing. growing at such a good rate.

“India has the second largest Muslim population in the world, and this population is only increasing in numbers. If there is a perception, or if in fact, their lives have been made difficult or difficult by state support, that What is implied in most of these articles, I would ask, would it be in the sense that in India, would the Muslim population be increasing as compared to 1947?” asked the Finance Minister.

ALSO READ: ‘If Muslims in India are not treated fairly, how can their population grow tremendously’: Sitharaman in US

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