Rahul: Survey on caste purity? Center gave a strong reply to Rahul’s criticism

The Union Culture Ministry is planning to conduct a survey on ethnic purity. The trend has started on such news. This time Congress leader Rahul Gandhi made a hole in the centre. However, the counter claim of Union Culture Minister G Kisan Reddy is completely false news.

Rahul Gandhi tweeted that India wants job security. Wants economic development. Doesn’t want ethnic purity. This is what Rahul Gandhi wrote.

However, the Union Culture Minister replied that as per Mr Gandhi’s tweet (perhaps he is abroad), the Culture Ministry has already said that the article is completely baseless. Is he aware of this or does he intend to provoke on the basis of false news?

Rahul Gandhi tweeted a news published in the New Indian Express. According to the report, the ministry wants to investigate genetic history and ethnic purity. Meanwhile, the report also mentions archaeologist Professor Basant S Sindh.

“We want to see how mutations and genes link up in India’s population,” the report said. I want to see it in the last 10,000 years. However, the Ministry of Culture has termed this news as baseless.