Punjab: There has been a 37 per cent reduction in stubble burning in Ludhiana, says Deputy Commissioner Varinder Kumar Sharma Ludhiana News – Times of India

Ludhiana: PunjabLudhiana district has seen a decrease of 37 percent stubble burning Cases this year as compared to last season, Deputy Commissioner Varinder Kumar Sharma Said at Kisan Mela on Monday.
addressing to Kisan MelaThe Deputy Commissioner organized by the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare said that according to the data, this time there has been a reduction of 37 percent in the incidents of stubble burning in the district.
He said that there were 1,316 incidents of stubble burning from September 15 to October 31 last year, which has now come down to 826 in the same period of this year.
He lauded the farmers for joining the fight against the crisis and contributing to the conservation of precious natural resources by avoiding stubble burning.
Sharma also honored 13 people, he said that farmers should not indulge in this practice which is causing irreparable damage to the environment.
He said that the State Government is already giving huge subsidy to the farmers to buy state-of-the-art machinery for in-situ management of paddy straw.
Appreciating the efforts of the Agriculture Department for organizing such fairs, the Deputy Commissioner said that such fairs are very helpful in further sharpening the expertise of the farmers.
He said that such fairs also help in providing important guidance to the farmers regarding crop management and soil health apart from making the farmers aware about the use of end technology in agriculture.
Addressing the gathering, Secretary CJM-cum-DLSA PS Kaleka He asked progressive farmers to spread the message of campaign against stubble burning in their areas to ensure clean environment.
Manmohan Kalia, Joint Director-cum-Nodal Officer, Punjab Crop Residue Management Program called upon the farmers to wholeheartedly adopt in-situ crop residue management for stubble management as burning of paddy straw was very dangerous.
