Punjab: Cotton crop relief talks inconclusive | Amritsar News – Times of India

Bathinda: The state government is not ready to increase the compensation from Rs 12,000 per acre Cotton Recent infestation of pink bollworm and crop damaged in agricultural organization BKU (Ekta Ugraha) Talks between the state government and farmers on their demand of Rs 60,000 per acre remained inconclusive on Wednesday.
According to sources, the state government has prepared a provisional proposal of Rs 478 crore as compensation, but the full calculation of the area is yet to be done. According to state policy, there are three categories for determining damages: 26% to 32%, 33% to 75%, and 76% to 100%. Compensation for 76 per cent to 100 per cent loss is Rs 12,000 per acre. As per the protocol, the State Government and the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) share the burden of compensation. Cattle attack in Bathinda in control There has been a lot of damage to the cotton crop in the districts, while it is very less. Sangrur. Cotton has been sown in 3.03 lakh hectares Punjab This year, more than 50% of which has been sown in Bathinda and Mansa. BKU (Ekta Ugraan) workers are protesting near the residence of Punjab Finance Minister. Manpreet Singh Badal Demand for compensation from October 5
Secretary of State BKU (Ekta Ugrahan) shingra singh mannu He said that he had informed the officials even before the meeting that compensation of Rs 12,000 per acre was not acceptable. “The officials had assured us that the officers would have the power to increase the compensation in the meeting, but they did not agree. Now our dharna will continue at the residence of the Finance Minister.
Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Hussain Lalu He said that the farmers have calculated all the details done in preparing the crop which includes lease money, seeds, pesticides and labor and they have prepared the cost of Rs 60,000 but the state policy is to provide compensation of Rs 12,000 per acre. Had it.
