Punishment for criticism in China: Mao’s wife also got life imprisonment for raising anti-incumbency, First Lady fought till her last breath

  • Hindi News
  • Woman
  • Mao’s wife got life imprisonment for raising anti-incumbency in Xi Jinping’s dictatorship, the first woman fought till her last breath

New Delhi19 minutes agoAuthor: Dinesh Mishra

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Qiang attained the status of First Lady of China after marrying Mao in 1938.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Qiang attained the status of First Lady of China after marrying Mao in 1938.

  • 27-year-old girl sentenced in China for criticizing hero Chunurui
  • Mao’s fourth wife Jiang Qiang also got life imprisonment
  • Known by more than 8 names in whole life, new style every time
  • She was the head of the film section of the propaganda department of the Communist Party.

The dictatorship of Chinese President Xi Jinping continues unabated. A 27-year-old woman named Xu has been sentenced to 7 months in prison for making controversial remarks against China’s ‘great man’ Communist Party leader Dong Chunrui. Chunrui has the status of a warrior in Chinese school books. In fact, this woman has been punished under the violation of the new law punishing ‘slander of the martyrs and heroes of China’.

Repression of those who raised their voice against the administration, the old practice

The move is part of China’s President Xi Jinping’s strict campaign to prevent debate or rumors about the history of the Communist Party and its leaders. This move of the ruling Communist Party of China is not new, whenever someone raises voice against the administration, it is repressed like this.

Mao’s wife also had to face the wrath of power

After the death of Mao Zedong, who was called the creator of modern China, his wife also had to spend life behind the bars for raising her voice. Let us know what has been the history of China towards women, who was Mao’s wife, who opposed the power.

Before entering politics, actress Tha Qiang, Gang of Four leader Jiang Qiang also known as Madam Mao in China. Qiang, a Chinese communist revolutionary, was also an actress before entering politics. She had been a great leader of the Cultural Revolution. Qiang was Mao’s fourth wife, but received the status of First Lady of China after they married in 1938. He and his comrades were called the Gang of Four. He was known by more than 8 names throughout his life. Every time she was popular with a new name.

Qiang played an important role in many films made in Mandarin language.

Qiang played an important role in many films made in Mandarin language.

She was the head of the propaganda department of the Communist Party.
Jiang Qiang had been the head of the film section of the Communist Party’s propaganda department. She was the main face of the Cultural Revolution. It was because of Jiang Qiang’s work that Mao was worshiped as a great man throughout China. Qiang established Mao’s face on film, in the media and all other mediums.

Mao’s wife Jiang Qiang and 3 aides raised their voice against the power
Mao died on September 9, 1976. This was followed by a struggle for power among the top leadership of the Communist Party of China. Mao’s successor Hua Guopeng tightened his grip on power. In 1976 his policies were strongly opposed by Jiang Qiang and three of his associates. The result was that the Communist Party issued a new slogan. Eliminate the gang of four traitors. In December 1976, all four were arrested and removed from their posts in the name of cultural restoration. Posters of these people were put up everywhere. In this, cross marks were made on their faces.

Publicly prosecuted by declaring Qiang a traitor
Hua Guopeng, who had taken power, was soon taken over by another fast-rising comrade in the Communist Party, Deng Xiaoping. It was Deng who initiated economic reforms in China. However, Deng also made no concessions to Mao’s wife and all three of his associates. All four were declared traitors and tried. At first all of them were given death sentence in 1981, but in 1983 their death sentence was changed to life imprisonment. During her trial, she argued vigorously with lawyers, which was televised. She kept on adopting a rebellious attitude till the last moment. He died in 1991. It is said that being fed up with the tortures, he himself gave his life.

10 lakh Vigar women and men held hostage in camps
In the current Xi Jinping government of China, there are reports of discrimination against Vigor Muslims. It is alleged time and again that incidents of rape of women have become common in the country in ‘re-education’ camps set up for Vigar Muslims. They are also being given severe torture.

The Jinping government has kept Vigar Muslims in camps, where efforts are made to bring about a change in the mindset of the people.

The Jinping government has kept Vigar Muslims in camps, where efforts are made to bring about a change in the mindset of the people.

More than one million men and women have been imprisoned in these camps. The government has gradually taken away the religious and other freedoms of the Vigor people. Human rights organizations say that their ideology is forcibly changed and they are also forced to be sterilized.

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