Pune BJP President calls Nana Patole a ‘stray dog’ over his remarks against PM Modi. Pune News – Times of India

Pune: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Pune President Jagdish Mullick has passed a controversial remark against Maharashtra Congress chief Nana Patole Days after the latter’s objectionable remarks on the prime minister, he was called a “stray dog”. Narendra Modi,
Pune BJP president tweeted, “Nana Patole is a stray dog. It is often said that a barking dog should be ignored, but if a dog barks then there is no option but to bark. Nana, the workers will teach you the right lesson.” ” ,

Patole landed in controversy after a viral news clip showed him saying that he can beat PM Modi and abuse him.
However, he later issued a clarification saying that he was referring to a local goon, who shares his surname with Prime Minister Narendra. Modi,
In the viral news clip, Patole can be heard speaking flag For a group of villagers in Bhandara district. He said, “I have been in politics for the last 30 years. Being a politician, I never took any side. I helped everyone who came to me. So I can kill Modi and abuse him. Am.”
Although it is not clear when this video is from.
After this video went viral on social media, many BJP leaders questioned the Congress party and Patole on his honor and respect for the post of Prime Minister.
