Pulse rate: what is normal and how to check it correctly? , The Times of India

The first step is to locate the correct veins to take the pulse rate. Most pulse rates are taken from arteries running down the wrist, but there are other parts of the body from which you can take readings, such as the carotid artery, pedal artery, brachial artery. Finding arteries in these locations is much more complicated and requires years of practice. The arteries of the wrist run close to the surface of the skin, making it easy to locate. It gives the radial pulse and here is how you can find it.

Step 1: Turn your left hand up, so that it is palm facing up.

Step 2: Place two fingers of your right hand in the groove of the forearm, below the fold of the wrist and about an inch longer than the base of the thumb.

Step 3: If you have put your fingers in the right place, you will be able to hear the beat of your heartbeat. If not, move your fingers around a bit and try applying less pressure.

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