Public Toilets In Green Areas Are Leading To Snarls, Say Residents | Noida News – Times of India

Greater Noida: Residents are complaining about public toilets in Greater Noida built in green belts on main roads citing that they trigger traffic jams and spoil their beauty. Some of the areas where these toilets are being built include the commercial belt roundabout in sectors Alpha 1, P-3, Amritpuram roundabout, Samrat Mihir Bhoj Park and more.
“There is a public toilet which is being built at Alpha commercial belt roundabout which is a green space. If a person goes to the public toilet here, he will have to park his car on the main road due to which there is a possibility of jam and accident. If there were public toilets on the service road and direction boards placed 100 to 200 metres ahead of them, the problem could be solved. It is still not too late and I urge the authority to take cognizance of this problem,” said Sudhir Kumar, a resident of Greater Noida. Alok Singh, the founder of Active Citizens Group (ACG), a social and residents’ group in Greater Noida, seconds the thought. “Two toilets are already built on this road. It is very painful to waste such a wonderful green place like this,” said Singh.
Kumar maintains that there are more than 10 such places across Greater Noida where either the main roads or green areas and roundabouts are being utilised for these toilet construction works and demands that their location should be reconsidered.
However, Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA) officials maintain that a proper survey has been done before deciding the locations of these toilets and that residents’ woes are unfounded. “How can residents/commuters decide that these locations are wrong to have public toilets? We decided on these locations as per norms. The agency hired to construct these toilets had surveyed the situation and based on the requirement, these locations are decided,” said Salil Yadav, general manager, public health department, GNIDA.
Yadav further adds that a public toilet which was made on the service road earlier in the Alpha commercial belt had very low footfall.