Proud to represent India in AFC Women’s Club Championship, says Gokulam Kerala FC President VS Praveen

Gokulam Kerala FC is all set to represent India in the AFC Women’s Club – Pilot Tournament, Mr. VC Praveen, President, Gokulam Kerala FC is proud of the achievement, having won the Indian Women’s League in 2020. Speaking about his club’s victories in both the women’s and men’s leagues, Mr. Praveen outlines the roadmap, which includes a similar approach to the beautiful game for both genders.


What does it mean for GKFC to participate in the AFC Women’s Club Championship?

We are proud to represent our country through the AFC Women’s Club Championship. It means a lot to the club and the fans. I am confident that our partnership will inspire other clubs to reconsider the importance of women’s football. Let the tournament inspire more football clubs to invest in women’s football like us.

GKFC has been one of the most active clubs when it comes to women’s football. What is the thought process behind this?

We have never missed the Hero Indian Women’s League edition since our inception. We believe in gender equality and do not want to restrict the sport to only men. If you check, in our other businesses also we are giving equal importance to women employees. Gender equality is one of the philosophies in which the club is run and we are happy to do more for women’s football in the country.

Given the fact that GKFC will be representing India, what will be your roadmap for the tournament?

The club is driven by the ambition to win the trophy. We have already had several meetings with our technical staff. With a strong team and the right attitude, we are confident that we can win the tournament. We are confident that our women’s team can set an example for our men’s team in winning the title in Asia.

Your club has the unique distinction of being the I-League Champion and the Indian Women’s League Champion at the same time. Tell us about your club’s football philosophy.

We have been fielding teams in both the tournaments since the inception of our club. We are driven by the passion to win trophies. Whatever be the tournament, we always want to field a team that can win. We also believe in gender equality and want women to actively participate in sports. In the Hero I-League Season 2019-20, we campaigned to bring back the women crowd in the stadium by giving women free entry.

Most of the matches had kickoff at 7 pm and the theme of our campaign was ‘Raat Ka Time Ladies Ka Bhi Hai’. We will continue these works once the stadium opens after the pandemic. We are also in consultation with the state government to start an academy for women players from Kerala.

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