Protestors descend upon Ben-Gurion Airport, block roads across Israel

Protesters blocked roads across Israel and demonstrated at Ben-Gurion Airport and additional locations on Tuesday morning in a “day of resistance”. reasonableness standards bill passed its first reading in the Knesset on Monday night.

At Ben-Gurion Airport, a group of Yom Kippur War veterans and the protest movement “Building an Alternative” gather in the arrivals hall with signs reading “Welcome to Gilead” and “Bless the Fruit” in reference to the book . maid story,

Protesters also blocked Highway 2 near Haifa, the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv and Highway 1 near Jerusalem, and the Beguine Road in Jerusalem.

In Herzliya, protesters set up tents and burned tires in the middle of Hasirah Junction, blocking the road on Tuesday morning before being forcibly cleared by police.

Roads were also blocked in Tirat HaKarmel, Modi’in and Binyamina. Police said they were working at various protest locations in an effort to clear roads and prevent disruptions.

Demonstrators against judicial reform at Ben-Gurion airport. July 11, 2023 (Credit: Michelle Brownstein)

In Haifa, hundreds of protesters gathered in front of a city court.

Additional protests were planned throughout the day in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Rishon Lezion, Eilat and dozens of other cities, towns and junctions.

The Kaplan Force said, “This is the day for citizens to come forward and defend Israeli democracy.” protest movement, “The horror show at the plenary session last night showed every citizen the horrors of the times. Against the dictatorial coalition – only the people will save Israel.”

Rationality Standards Bill passed, to be brought to committee for finalization within a few hours

on monday night Controversial Reasonability Standards Bill The first reading in the Knesset plenum passed by a vote of 64 to 56, with the bill planned to be brought to the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee on Tuesday to prepare for a second and third reading.

The “Reasonability Standard Bill” is an amendment to the Basic Law: Judiciary, which would prevent Israel’s courts from applying what is known as the “reasonableness standard” to decisions made by elected officials. The reasonableness standard is a common law principle that allows judicial review against government administrative decisions that are considered to be beyond the scope of a responsible and proper authority.

Eliav Breuer contributed to this report.