Protecting Your Toddler’s Ears: Preventing and Managing Ear Infections

Last Update: February 25, 2023, 10:46 IST

By understanding more about this common childhood condition, parents can better care for their little ones and ensure they stay healthy and happy.

By understanding more about this common childhood condition, parents can better care for their little ones and ensure they stay healthy and happy.

While ear infections can be painful and disruptive to both baby and parent, they are usually not serious and can be treated with proper care.

Ear infections are a common childhood illness, especially in young children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, five out of six children will experience at least one ear infection by their third birthday. While ear infections can be painful and disruptive to both baby and parent, they are usually not serious and can be treated with proper care. However, if left untreated, ear infections can lead to complications and even long-term hearing loss. By understanding more about this common childhood condition, parents can better care for their little ones and ensure they stay healthy and happy.

,Symptoms of Ear Infection in Children

Excessive crying and irritability are the most common symptoms in young infants and young children. “Sometimes children may pull their ears due to pain. Cough, chills and fever occur earlier and may be present at presentation. At times, there may be pus or wet discharge from their ears,” says Dr. Sujatha Thiagarajan, Clinical Lead Pediatrician and Pediatric Intensivist, Aster RV Hospital, Bangalore.

due to infection

Usually, symptoms appear after a URTI (upper respiratory tract infection). “The most common causes of infection are bottle feeding and upper respiratory tract infections. This is due to adenoid hypertrophy, which is common in this age group as a result of allergies, viral infections, and sometimes swimming, among other things,” says Dr. Nitti Mathew, Senior Specialist – ENT, Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore.

Mostly it is caused due to viral infection, stuffy nose and congestion in the nose and ears. Bacterial infection is a consequence of viral infection. Sometimes, children may put foreign objects in the ear which, if not recognised, can lead to an ear infection accompanied by high fever and ear pain. Many times, we see that babies who are fed milk at bedtime are more prone to ear infections.

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We recommend good treatment of their nasal congestion through nasal drops and oral medications for the control of cough and cold with symptomatic treatment of fever and pain as a priority. “If the ear exam determines infection, we recommend a course of oral antibiotics for one week to 10 days. We generally avoid ear drops. If there is active discharge from the ear, Karna toilets are suggested,” says Thiagarajan.

Treatment of infection requires medications such as antibiotics, pain relievers, and cold remedies. Dr Mathew concluded by saying, “The child should sleep with the affected ear elevated to reduce pain and promote better healing.”

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