Pro-Iran forces claim they opened fire on Americans in Syria

In the late afternoon, around dusk, reports emerged that pro-Iranian groups shelling areas from Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria were targeting US forces near the Omar oil fields. This is an important and strategic area and US forces supporting the Syrian Democratic Forces are reported to have a facility or base in this area. The attack was linked to an airstrike by the US on Monday in Syria targeting pro-Iranian groups. “US forces in Syria, while under multiple rocket attacks, acted in self-defense and fired counter-battery artillery at rocket launching positions,” wrote Colonel Wayne Marotto, spokesman for the US-led coalition to defeat ISIS.
In Iran, both Tasnim and Fars News reported that artillery and Katyusha rockets were fired. video appeared show a rocket trail The type of rockets Hamas uses to target Israel in Gaza. Open source intelligence accounts on social media confirmed the attack. Umar Abu Laila, the one who walks Deir Azor 24 It is written that “Jet planes attacked the headquarters of Iranian militias in the vicinity of the city of al-Mayadin.” He then retweeted accounts of shelling in the area near the Omar oil field where US forces are reportedly located.

According to eyewitnesses, the attack took place at the Al-Omar oil field and nearby residential sheds, causing heavy damage to goods at the site and burning several vehicles in the area. About 18 hours after the attack, the US launched air strikes near Albucamal targeting Iranian units linked to Iraq, which the US has accused of drone attacks on US facilities in Iraq. Pro-Iran fighters such as Kataib Hezbollah and PMU Brigade 14, known as Kataib Sayyed al-Shuhada, were reportedly targeted.

Pro-Iranian militias operate on the Iraq border in Syria from Albucamal to Deir Azor, and then from T4 bases to Damascus and Syria. Iran also has IRGC forces in Syria and members of the Fetemiyun Brigade, volunteers from Afghanistan and Pakistan. These are Shia groups. Iraqi militias also operate in Syria and have filled the border area with bases and villas under their control. The attacks on America on the evening of June 28 appear to be retaliatory.

Tasnim reports that “witnesses said US occupation forces were present in the area at the time of the attack, but did not say how many were killed.”. some media outlets Reported that the action was carried out by resistance groups.” After the attack, several reconnaissance aircraft belonging to US occupation forces and international coalitions flew over the area, Iranian media say. Syrian online newspaper al-Jasr reported this. It also reported that at least eight Katyusha missiles hit a US military base in Syria’s al-Mayadin area.
The intensity of Iranian reporting on the attacks appears to confirm that they did happen or that Iran is using it as propaganda against America. fars news says that the local “Saberin News reported a serious rocket attack on the base of the al-Omar oil field in Deir ez-Zor on Syrian soil near the border with Iraq. According to the report, at least eight rockets hit Omar. Targets US coalition headquarters in oil field. Pillars of fire and smoke have now risen from the Omar oil field, and American helicopters have flown over it, Sabreen The news said. Report The rocket did not specify the source of the fire. The official Syrian news agency (SANA) also confirmed the attack on the US military base in the Omar oil field.

The US-led coalition did not respond to an investigation but was looking into the reports at the time of writing.

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