Priyanka Chopra on her wedding with Nick Jonas: She has influenced me a lot; I have become very calm in life – Times of India

As Priyanka Chopra continues to make waves globally in various fields professionally, his loving relationships and marriages with him Nick Jonas That’s something she often talks about with gratitude. in an exclusive conversation Times Literary FestThe actress talks about her recently released memoir, her love and her relationship with him Husband Nick.

When asked about the lesson that Pyaar taught her, the actress said, “I think love is the most important thing in life. It’s the ultimate game and it doesn’t just mean loving your partner, it means To love your parents and family too. I truly believe that love makes the world go round. And the only way to love is to go deeply and completely and give yourself completely .

They believe that a loving relationship is not a one person job. “But you also have to get someone where there’s only one person doing it, rather than skewering it”

“The One Thing My Marriage Has Definitely Taught Me Is to Be a Cheerleader”

Talking about one thing that her marriage has taught her, the ‘Fashion’ actress said the importance of finding a cheerleader in your better half. “The one thing that my marriage has definitely taught me, which I think I didn’t feel the need for, which I can no longer live without, is to give your partner all the credit and credit for the job and the work. Joe I do”

She continued, “It’s so amazing when I see how Nick adjusts to his life or my achievements or my career and where I want to go and what my choices are – how important it is to him that I went. And That was something I didn’t know I needed — a cheerleader.”

“The one thing that is most important to me outside my family is my work. It has stood like a rock for me ever since I started at the age of 17. And what I didn’t realize was that I needed my partner to understand the value of how hard I worked to build this career on my back. It’s really wonderful to have a partner who appreciates it.

When the actress was asked how her marriage with Nick has affected her work, she said, “Nick has influenced me a lot. I have become very calm in life.” Priyanka also admitted that earlier ‘she used to cut off people’s heads’. “If I get angry now, I’ll be a little more calm. (laughs) My husband is a little more calm and he looks for solutions. He’s a diplomat, you know? Whereas, I’m just like that
Chili You know, if I leave, I go.

“Nick is an amazingly talented creative person and we do a lot of our work away from each other”

Talking about her professional relationship with the ‘Spaceman’ singer, she said, “I’ve learned a lot from Nick. He’s an amazingly talented creative person and we do a lot of our work away from each other. With me His thoughts, my thoughts with him, let us develop things together. So it’s wonderful to have a constructive partnership with my partner. Like both my parents were doctors and they both check in with each other about their work They both would like to say, oh, I plan to do this and solicit each other’s feedback and opinions. And I find that attractive. So I am very grateful that I married someone in my profession and Got it, creative ideas that I probably have over dinner or while we’re talking are really wonderful”
