Presidential election: ‘Battle of ideologies’, says Yashwant Sinha in appeal to ‘conscience’ of MPs, MLAs

Yashwant Sinha, the presidential candidate of a group of opposition parties, made a final appeal to the “personal conscience” of MPs and MLAs, reminding them that parties cannot bind them with a whip in these elections.

Voting is on Monday, and the results will be out on July 21. As of now, BJP-led NDA candidate Draupadi Murmu is set to win by crossing the 50 per cent mark, as many non-NDA parties have also supported her because of her tribal identity.

Sinha said that it is not a fight of individuals but of ideologies. “This year’s presidential election is not an election between two individuals, but between two ideologies. Only one party wants to protect the provisions and values ​​enshrined in our Constitution. I appeal to all MPs and MLAs to vote on the Constitution and their conscience this time,” he tweeted in Hindi.

He also tweeted a video and statement saying, ‘This year’s presidential election is being held under extraordinary circumstances. There are different issues in different areas of our country but the biggest challenge is the protection of the Constitution and its values.

The former Union minister, who was with the BJP till a few years ago, said that “the country is at a crossroads” and that these presidential elections will decide “the fate of the nation”.

That’s why I appeal to the voters – MPs and MLAs – to vote according to their conscience under the constitutional system. And I assure them that if they vote for me I will do everything in my power to protect the Constitution,” he said in the video.

He said: “There is no whip (binding instruction) issued by the parties in these elections, and the ballot paper is secret. The framers of the Constitution made this arrangement so that MPs and MLAs could exercise their personal judgment.

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