President Ramaphosa condemns violence ‘based on ethnic mobilization’

Johannesburg, Jul 12 (PTI) South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has condemned the violence in the country’s major economic provinces over the past few days following the incarceration of former President Jacob Zuma.

Violent mobs of rioters torching vehicles, looting shops and blocking main roads to protest against Zuma’s 15-month prison sentence, which has been held by the country’s top court for contempt of court. was imposed on him when he refused to return to the commission of inquiry in the possession of the state.

However, leaders of the political and civil division have condemned the violence as the work of perpetrators under the guise of protest, which they said was their right but should be conducted in a peaceful manner.

After a tense standoff, Zuma agreed to move to a prison in Estcourt, about 200 kilometers from his residence, after the deadline for police to arrest him expired at midnight last Wednesday.

The main road between the coastal city of Durban and the economic center of Gauteng province was closed over the weekend by gangs of protesters in both directions, some of them armed, who set fire to large trucks and vehicles.

In Johannesburg, major highways were closed as random shots were fired at passing motorists.

During a national address on COVID-19, Ramaphosa said, “Key infrastructure such as national roads have been affected, slowing down the transport of goods and services that drive our economy.” “Property has been destroyed. Cars have been pelted with stones. People have been threatened and threatened, and some have even been hurt. These acts are endangering lives and sabotaging our efforts to rebuild the economy,” he said. harming,” he said.

Ramaphosa also reacted to widespread allegations that the violence was ethnically based and targeting foreign businesses in the country, including those from other African countries and the Indian subcontinent.

“It is a matter of concern to all South Africans that some acts of violence are based on ethnic mobilization,” he said.

“While there are people who may be hurt and angry at the moment, there can never be any justification for such violent, destructive and disruptive actions.

“It must be condemned at all costs by all South Africans because we are a nation committed to non-racism and non-tribalism, based on the diversity and unity of all people of South Africa, regardless of their language, culture, religious beliefs. Whatever it is. And the races,” the president said.

Ramaphosa sent a strong message to criminals amid growing public calls about inaction by police, including violations of lockdown rules that prohibit large gatherings and the mandatory wearing of masks in public.

“Let us be clear as a nation that we will not tolerate criminal acts. Those involved in acts of violence will be arrested and prosecuted. Those found guilty of breaking the lockdown rules will get the prescribed fine. This will be done without any fear or favour,” he said.

The President also urged people not to share unverified, false or false images and videos of violence, including some from past incidents, through social media, causing unnecessary panic among the public.

“Most citizens of this country have shown that they want to live in peace and harmony. They want to work and earn a living. They want to see our country recover from this pandemic,” concluded Ramaphosa. PTI FH SMN SMN

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