President Joe Biden triumphs in South Carolina Democratic primary, launches reelection bid

US President Joe Biden
Image Source : AP President Joe Biden waits to speak as first lady Jill Biden looks on at the Biden campaign headquarters in Wilmington.

President Joe Biden secured a significant victory in the South Carolina Democratic primary, marking the initiation of his reelection campaign. The state played a pivotal role in revitalising his previous White House bid four years ago.

Investment in black voter mobilisation

Biden’s reelection campaign strategically invested in driving up turnout, viewing the primary as a test of efforts to mobilize black voters. Black voters, crucial to Biden’s electoral success, are anticipated to be a key demographic in a potential November rematch against former President Donald Trump.

Reiterating past success

Reflecting on his 2020 victory, Biden acknowledged the voters of South Carolina for breathing new life into his campaign. He confidently asserted that their support in 2024 sets him on the path to securing the presidency and making Donald Trump a “loser” once again.

Revised primary calendar

Biden advocated for a revamped primary calendar, emphasising the importance of diversity. South Carolina, with its significant Black population, was strategically positioned as the first state in the Democratic primary, challenging the traditional dominance of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Impact on national electorate

Black voters played a decisive role in the 2020 general election, constituting 11% of the national electorate. Biden garnered overwhelming support from this demographic, a trend crucial to his electoral success.

Changing primary order

The new primary order moves Nevada to second place, with its primary scheduled for Tuesday. Michigan, a large and diverse swing state, will hold its primary on Feb. 27 before the Super Tuesday states on March 5.

Historical significance of South Carolina

South Carolina, a reliably Republican state, holds historical significance for Biden. Deep relationships with supporters and donors in the state played a crucial role in reviving his 2020 campaign, paving the way for his nomination.

Acknowledgment from Biden and Clyburn

President Biden expressed gratitude to South Carolina Democrats for their support, stating they are the reason he is president. Rep. Jim Clyburn, whose endorsement was pivotal in 2020, emphasized the need for party unity and avoiding infighting.

Black voter perspectives

Black voters in South Carolina cited various reasons for supporting Biden, ranging from his defense of abortion rights to his diverse judicial appointments. Concerns about Trump’s threats to democracy and Biden’s age were factors influencing voter decisions.

Looking ahead to reelection

As Biden begins his reelection campaign, the triumph in South Carolina provides a solid foundation. The acknowledgment of the state’s significance and its diverse electorate underscores the president’s commitment to a broader and more representative primary process.

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