Preparation for save bird campaign continues. Surat News – Times of India

Surat: Like every year, this year also the social forestry department of Surat will hold a meeting to plan the state government’s save birds campaign during the Uttarayan festival, while some NGOs have started training programs for their rescue volunteers. .
Thousands of birds are seriously injured or killed by the threads of the deadly kite. The forest department coordinates with various NGOs and government agencies including fire brigade and police departments and also civic bodies and the collective effort saves as many lives as possible.
Speaking to TOI, DCF Social Forestry Department, Surat, PS Nayyar said, “Like every year, we are getting ready with our plans for the annual campaign. We will convene a meeting of various departments and NGOs to finalize it soon.”
Darshan Desai of Prayas Team Environment Charitable Trust said that in the last few years, due to the collective efforts of NGOs and the state government, the number of injured birds in Surat and surrounding areas has come down significantly.

