Pregnancy hack: Foods to help induce labor naturally

New Delhi: An inch closer to your due date, patience often runs out and you may be ready to do everything possible to help induce labor naturally. Most women like to naturally speed things up with food choices. Some see these food groups as old wives’ tales because there is limited evidence to suggest that they are one hundred percent successful in aiding labor.

Below is a list of some foods by pregnancy/child birth and lactation specialist Dr. Vanshika Gupta Adukia, which will help to induce labor naturally.

red raspberry leaf

Red raspberry leaf is known to help strengthen the muscles of the uterus and tone the pelvic floor – both of which can help prepare for the process of birth.

Studies have shown that red raspberry leaves can help ease labor and reduce the chances of a C-section or an assisted birth using forceps/vacuum.

These leaves are usually boiled in boiling water as a tea and then consumed.

Since raspberry leaves can increase the frequency of Braxton Hick contractions, it is recommended to consume them within the last 34 weeks.

raw papaya

Orange and ripe papayas, although considered prohibited in pregnancy, can in fact sometimes be consumed in moderation and are no longer considered harmful to pregnant women.

However, it is the green unripe and unripe papaya that contains latex, which is believed to have properties similar to the hormone oxytocin (released during labor for uterine contractions).

For this reason, raw papaya is often a food option for pregnant women who are trying to induce labor naturally during their last few days of pregnancy.


Pineapple is yet another fruit that is generally avoided by most pregnant women during pregnancy. Unfortunately, not many people know why this criterion is popular.

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain which is believed to cause the ripening of the cervix. Cervical ripening is the first step towards cervical dilation that can eventually lead to labor.

The highest concentration of bromelain is believed to be present in the core of the pineapple.

Hence pineapple is often consumed by pregnant women in the last weeks of pregnancy to aid in the ripening of the cervix.


It is believed that dates can aid in the process of cervical ripening, as well as improve the ease of labor and reduce the chances of postpartum bleeding.

Studies have shown that those who consume dates in their third trimester have a shorter first stage of labor and a faster rate of cervical dilation.

It should also be kept in mind that although dates are high in fiber, they contain high levels of sugar and therefore should be avoided in cases of gestational diabetes or yeast infections in pregnancy (sugar yeast feeds). needed.
