Precautions you must take to keep away monsoon diseases

Monsoon brings freshness to the air and gives relief from the scorching heat. The weather before and after the rain is precious. However, as much as we love this beautiful season, monsoon brings along many communicable diseases which include mosquito-borne or food and water-borne diseases like typhoid.

In a recent interview with Hindustan Times, Dr Vishal Parmar, who is a Consultant and Pediatrician at Wockhardt Hospital, shared some things that people should keep in mind to prevent themselves from getting sick this season .

“Make sure your drinking water is safe (use boiled water, especially for babies under one year old). Avoid eating raw food like chutneys or salads and fresh outside juice/water. Fruits And wash the vegetables thoroughly before eating,” he said. The health expert advised people to take extra care of their hygiene and said, “Wash your hands and feet thoroughly after stepping out. Always keep nails short. And keep it clean.”

According to PharmEasy, here are some other things people should follow:

Eat food rich in Vitamin C

One of the easiest tricks to boost immunity is to consume food rich in Vitamin C. Sprouts, fresh green vegetables and oranges can be included in the daily diet.

say no to junk

It is important to avoid street food during monsoon to keep the disease away. Street foods are usually exposed to open air, and they are likely to house harmful microorganisms.

Add disinfectant to the water you are bathing in

A carefree walk in the rain is on the bucket list of many youngsters. We’re not deterring you from experiencing one of the wonders of human life, but don’t forget to shower with a disinfectant like Dettol, Savlon or Betadine. This will help you get rid of the microorganisms that you carry after getting wet in the rain.

Iron all your clothes before wearing

Cupboards, cupboards and cupboards are usually cool, and with the monsoon at its peak, they can start to get wet. With wet moisture comes molds, so ironing them is the next best thing.

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