Prashant Kishor’s prediction: BJP will remain a major force in Indian politics for decades. Latest and Breaking News, India News, Political, Sports – Since Independence

Political strategist Prashant Kishor believes that the Bharatiya Janata Party will continue to be a major force in Indian politics for decades to come. Prashant Kishor has said this during his Goa tour. Prashant Kishor said, “Just as Congress was at the center of Indian politics for the first 40 years, similarly BJP will remain at the center of politics, whether it wins or loses. BJP is not going anywhere. Once you get 30% votes at the national level, don’t move away from the Indian political picture so soon.

Don’t make excuse that people are angry with Modi

“Never make an excuse that people are getting angry and they will throw Modi out,” Prashant Kishor said during an interaction at the Goa museum. Maybe they will throw Modi out, but BJP is not going anywhere. You will have to fight BJP for the next several decades.

Rahul Gandhi is confused

Kishor said about Congress leader Rahul Gandhi that he is probably under the illusion that BJP is strong as long as Modi is in power. Kishor said, ‘The same problem is with Rahul Gandhi. Perhaps, he feels that it is just a matter of time when people will throw him (Narendra Modi) out of power.

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To defeat Modi’s power, one has to understand

Prashant Kishor's prediction: BJP will be a major force in Indian politics for decades
image credit: db

Prashant Kishor said, ‘Unless you understand his (Modi’s) strength, you will not be able to defeat him. The problem I see is that most people are not taking their time to understand their strengths. It has to be understood what is the reason for his popularity. If you understand this, only then can you find the counter to defeat them.

How does Congress see the future of BJP?

On how the Congress sees the future of Modi and the BJP, Kishor said, “You go and talk to any Congress leader or any regional leader, they will say, ‘Bas ki baat hai, people are fed up, opponents. There will be power and people will throw him out, but I don’t think that is going to happen.

Divided voter base in the country is a big problem

Pointing to the divided voter base in the country, Kishor said, “Looking at the voter base, it is a battle between one-third and two-thirds.” Only one third people are voting for BJP or want to support BJP. The problem is that two-thirds of the electorate is divided into 10, 12 or 15 political parties. The reason for this is the weakness of the Congress.

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