Pompeo, weighing presidential run, calls Palestinian president a ‘known terrorist’

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is considering running for president in 2024, has said Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is a “terrorist” and is defending support for a two-state solution.

Pompeo, in comments made on the One Decision podcast released on Thursday, also dismissed US concerns over the Israeli government’s judicial overhaul and expressed support for the settlers.

He criticized the Obama administration for negotiating with Abbas, referring to the Palestinian president by his nickname, Abu Mazen.

“Our theory of the matter was this – what is in the best interest of America? Is it worth waiting for Abu Mazen, the well known terrorist who has killed so many people including Americans and paid those martyrs to do so Is?” Pompeo said of the Trump administration’s approach: “We said it is not in America’s best interest.”

He did not produce evidence for the claim against Abbas during the talk accompanied by host Julia McFarlane, a reporter; and Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of the UK’s MI6 intelligence agency.

The Palestinian Authority is affiliated with the Palestine Liberation Organization, a US designated terrorist group, and provides stipends to terrorists and their families. Payment has long been a point of contention between the US and the Palestinians.

Congress under the Trump Administration Taylor Force Act passed, which cut some aid to the Palestinians because of the stipulation. The law was named after an American killed by a Palestinian terrorist in Israel in 2016.

Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, speaks during the Arab League’s “Jerusalem Summit” in Cairo, February 12, 2023. (Ahmed Hasan/AFP)

cassette approved a law Israeli nationality to deprive convicted terrorists of their citizenship on Wednesday if they receive a stipend from the Palestinian Authority or an affiliated organization.

When asked about his support for a two-state solution, Pompeo was evasive, saying, “I am in favor of an outcome that guarantees Israel’s security and improves life for everyone in the region.” Is.”

“This is not an occupying nation. This land, as an evangelical Christian, I am convinced from my reading of the Bible that for 3,000 years now, despite the denials of so many, is the rightful homeland of the Jewish people,” Pompeo said. We should support Israel in its efforts. They will find their way to results.

“In the meantime, we must look out for Europe and America and make sure that we are helping to lead these nations to the right place, and we want good things for everyone, including those who live in Judea and live in Samaria,” he said, referring to the West Bank by its Biblical name.

He allayed concerns about the working of the government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to weaken the judiciary, The drastic overhaul proposal has sparked mass protests in Israel and warnings from legal experts, economic officials and foreign governments, including america,

“Israel is one of the most democratic nations in the world and they will continue to do so, and this back and forth, these protests you see, we have protested even in our Supreme Court. People are entitled to their views,” Pompeo said. Said. “I don’t want to be in the center of Israeli politics. This relationship is absolutely important to us.

Then US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, left, and then US President Donald Trump at the White House in Washington on April 8, 2020. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

America’s relations with the Palestinians soured under the Trump administration. Abbas severed ties with Washington after Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and has previously rejected the president’s peace offer, which was seen as favoring Israel. The administration also drastically reduced funding for the Palestinians.

In 2019, Pompeo broke with long-standing US policy declaring israeli settlements “Not inconsistent with international law.”

Pompeo, a former CIA director, said in late January that he was considering the presidential election and would announce a decision in the coming months.

He will run against Trump, who was the first Republican to announce his candidacy.

Nikki Haley, who served as the US ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, announced presidential candidacy On Tuesday, Trump became the first major Republican to challenge him. Haley is also staunchly pro-Israel and vowed to “Stand by our friends Israel and Ukraine against Iran and Russia” in his candidacy announcement.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is being seen as another potential contender for the Republican nomination. highlighted his pro-Israel bona fide and his support for Israel’s claim to the West Bank during the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual convention late last year.

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