PM Modi-Vice President Kamala Harris met in DC, issued a joint statement. key takeaways

PM Modi Kamala Harris meeting, Washington
Image Source: @MEAINDIA

Tete-e-tete between PM Narendra Modi and US Vice President Kamala Harris in DC

Prime Minister Narendra Modi held his first in-person meeting with US Vice President Kamala Harris at the White House, during which the two leaders discussed issues of mutual and global interest to strengthen the bilateral strategic partnership.

Before starting the delegation-level talks, the two leaders issued a joint statement highlighting the ties between the two countries, cooperation during the coronavirus pandemic, among other issues.

India, US natural partners: PM Modi

Meeting the Vice President, PM Modi said, “India and the US are natural partners. We have common values, geopolitical interests.”

Describing India and the US as the largest and oldest democracies, Modi said both the countries share values ​​and their cooperation is also gradually increasing.

This is the first meeting between the two leaders. Harris had earlier spoken to Modi over the phone in June during the Kovid-19 crisis in India.

PM Modi invites Kamala Harris to visit India

Describing Harris as “a source of inspiration to many in the world”, Modi said, “I am confident that our bilateral relationship will scale new heights under President Joe Biden and you.” He invited Harris to visit India.

56-year-old Harris is the first person of Indian origin to be elected as the Vice President of the United States of America.

Modi said, “President Biden and you took office at a time when our planet faced very difficult challenges. In a short period of time you have got many achievements, be it COVID-19, climate change or the Quad.”

“We have had the opportunity to speak after you became the Vice President. We had a conversation when India was battling a very difficult wave of COVID-19 infections. I remember your words of solidarity at that time,” he said. .

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Modi said the US government, companies based in the United States and the Indian diaspora were of great help when India was fighting a tough wave of COVID-19 infections.

He said that 40 lakh people of Indian origin are working as a bridge of friendship between the two countries.

Kamala Harris says India is an important partner of America

On his part, Harris described India as a “very important partner” for the US and welcomed New Delhi’s announcement that it would soon resume vaccine exports.

India halted the export of COVID-19 vaccines after the second wave of the pandemic hit the country in April this year.

On Monday, India said it will resume exports of surplus COVID-19 vaccines in the fourth quarter of 2021 under the “Vaccine Friendship” program and to meet its commitment to the COVAX global pool.

On the issue of climate crisis, he told Modi that America working together with India can make a deep impact not only on the people of nations but on people across the world.

“As it relates to the Indo-Pacific, the US insists on maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific,” she said.

He said that the world is more interconnected and more interdependent than ever before. “And the challenges we face today have highlighted that fact. COVID-19, the climate crisis and the importance of our shared belief in the Indo-Pacific region,” she said.

Incumbent for both countries to defend democracy: Harris

Harris said it is up to both countries to protect democracies in the best interest of their peoples.

“As democracies around the world are at risk, it is imperative that we protect democratic principles and institutions in our respective countries and around the world. And that we uphold what we must do to strengthen democracy in our country And it is up to our nations to definitely protect democracies in the best interest of the people of our countries,” she said.

Their meeting comes a day ahead of the first bilateral meeting between Modi and President Joe Biden and the Quad Leaders Summit at the White House on Friday.

Since taking office, Harris has met or spoken to more than 30 world leaders, promoting American interests on issues ranging from global health to climate change to cyber threats.

(with PTI input)

read also | PM Modi, Kamala Harris meet in DC, VP says ‘welcome to India’s call to resume vaccine exports soon’

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