PM Modi delivers keynote address at BRICS Business Forum

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Delivered keynote address at the opening ceremony of BRICS Business Stage on Wednesday. He participated in virtual mode with a pre-recorded speech.

On the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, PM Modi will attend the 14th BRICS summit organized by China in virtual format on Thursday and Friday this week.

On Friday, there will be high level talks with guest countries on global developments.

If it was an in-person meeting, it would be the first time that PM Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet in 2019 after their meeting in Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu.

During this edition of the summit, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) group of nations will consider intra-BRICS cooperation covering areas such as counter-terrorism, trade, health, traditional medicine, environment, science and the like. Technology and Innovation, Agriculture, Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and MSMEs.

in war Ukraine and its consequences on rising cost of living, disrupted global food security and its contribution to supply systems will also be discussed among participating countries.

BRICS is also looking at further reforms in the multilateral system to encourage the participation of more countries in order to promote its inclusivity.

BRICS+ will focus on bringing more emerging markets like Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Mexico into the multilateral platform.

The theme of the 14th BRICS Summit is – Promoting high-quality BRICS partnerships, ushering in a new era for global development. The above mentioned high level talks will be chaired by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

BRICS member nations represent 41% of the global population and contribute 24% to the global GDP. They contribute 16% of the global trade.

India is participating in several other multilateral fora at the end of June. After PM Modi attends the BRICS summit, he will also personally attend the G7 summit in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Meanwhile, Union External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar will visit Rwanda’s capital Kigali to attend the 26th Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) summit. He will lead the Indian delegation on June 24 and June 25 and will represent the Prime Minister India on the summit.

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