PM Imran calls China ‘role model’ for developing countries in poverty alleviation – World Latest News Headlines

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday praised China for being a “role model” for developing countries in poverty alleviation.

In a video message on the 20th anniversary of Junkao Aid and Sustainable Development Cooperation, the premier said: “China is a role model for developing countries in poverty alleviation. China’s remarkable development has lifted 800 million people out of poverty over the past four decades.” ” Is. ”

He said the world at large, but the global South in particular, is grappling with “many challenges” including climate change, poverty and food insecurity.

The Prime Minister said that extreme poverty has come down steadily over the past two decades due to tireless efforts.

“However, [the] The COVID-19 pandemic triggered an economic slowdown that has slowed global progress. Extreme poverty has increased in 2020 for the first time in more than 20 years,” he said.

Thus, the achievement of food security and improved nutrition is a “great challenge” for developing countries, he said.

“Sustainable ways to achieve economic recovery, growth and development are critical during the pandemic.”

He commended China for sharing Junkao technology with more than 100 countries, saying it has “already benefited thousands of people across continents over the past 20 years”.

Junkao, popularly known as “magic grass”, has two Chinese characters meaning “mushroom” and “grass”. The particular breed of grass was discovered by Chinese scientists as an economical and eco-friendly alternative to wood, which is traditionally used as a substrate for growing mushrooms.

The Prime Minister said that Juncao technology has many benefits such as helping small-scale farmers develop low-cost, commercially viable mushroom cultivation and combating desertification.

“I am pleased to learn that the innovative Junkao Technology […] Suitable for our society and economy. Such innovative, affordable and environmentally friendly technologies can help catalyze our progress toward achieving the first two sustainable development goals: no poverty and zero hunger.

The premier said China’s leadership and role in tackling climate change is also commendable and praised President Xi Jinping’s vision of a “prosperous, clean and beautiful world”.

He said tackling poverty and climate change is one of the “major priorities” of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government.

Commenting on the initiatives taken under Ehsaas Social Security ProgramHe said the plans are focused on “uplifting the marginalized, eradicating poverty and supporting vulnerable families” and protecting people from economic shock during the pandemic.

measures like government National Poverty Graduate Program Collaboration with Juncao Technology could play an important role, the premier said.

The prime minister also pointed to the government’s initiatives to tackle climate change and stressed that Pakistan “fully supports international efforts to tackle this crisis”.

He said that one billion trees have been planted under the government 10 billion tree tsunami program Expansion and restoration of forests.

“Our green initiative resonates with the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. We hope it will contribute to preventing, preventing and reversing ecosystem degradation,” he said.

The Prime Minister said that he is determined and committed to international cooperation aimed at eradicating poverty, sustainable development and addressing climate change.

Additional input from APP

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