PM मोदी पर BBC डॉक्यूमेंट्री की स्क्रीनिंग करेगी केरल कांग्रेस: तिरुवनंतपुरम में शंकुमुघम बीच पर पब्लिक को दिखाई जाएगी

Thiruvananthapuram16 minutes ago

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Kerala Congress will screen the controversial BBC documentary ‘India: The Modi Question’ on PM Modi on the occasion of Republic Day today. According to media reports, the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) will conduct the screening at Shankumugham beach in Thiruvananthapuram. To show this documentary to as many people as possible, KPCC has chosen the beach to show this documentary.

The documentary was embroiled in controversy upon its release. It claimed the role of PM Modi in the 2002 riots in Gujarat. The Government of India had called it propaganda of BBC. The first part of the documentary was released on 17 January, which was blocked on YouTube. At the same time, the government had banned the sharing of this documentary on Twitter and other sites as well.

Controversy over screening of documentary in JNU, Jamia and Panjab University

Stones pelted at students watching documentary in JNU: Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Jamia Millia Islamia University also clashed on Tuesday regarding the screening of this documentary. In JNU, so that the students could watch the documentary, the administration cut off the electricity and also disconnected the internet connection. Even after this the students did not agree and shared the QR code to download the documentary on mobile. The controversy escalated so much that students watching the documentary were pelted with stones late in the night. It is not known who pelted the stones. Taking advantage of the darkness, the attackers fled.

This picture is from Jamia University on Wednesday.  Police detained 7 students over the screening of the documentary.

This picture is from Jamia University on Wednesday. Police detained 7 students over the screening of the documentary.

7 students detained in Jamia: At the same time, till now 7 students have been detained by the police regarding the screening of the controversial documentary in Jamia. They are accused of trying to spoil the atmosphere. SFI has postponed the screening till the release of the students. They have been detained on the complaint of the Chief Proctor of the University. Jamia’s Vice Chancellor Najma Akhtar said that the student organization SFI is trying to spoil the atmosphere of the university campus regarding the screening of the controversial documentary. We will not allow any such work. Action will be taken on any unnecessary act of the students.

This picture is from Jamia University on Wednesday.  Police detained 7 students over the screening of the documentary.

This picture is from Jamia University on Wednesday. Police detained 7 students over the screening of the documentary.

Uproar in Panjab University as well: Panjab University (PU) also witnessed uproar over the playing of a controversial documentary in the student center. NSUI commissioned this documentary. Many students gathered to see it. Meanwhile, the university authority came to know about this and immediately stopped this documentary which was played on the projector. Before this, almost half the documentary had gone through.

Congress student wing NSUI had organized a screening of this documentary at Panjab University, Chandigarh.  Students gathered to watch it.

Congress student wing NSUI had organized a screening of this documentary at Panjab University, Chandigarh. Students gathered to watch it.

The first episode was telecast on January 17, the government removed it the next day
BC released the first episode of the documentary ‘The Modi Question’ on YouTube on 17 January. It was written in the description of the first episode that this documentary looks at the tension between India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Muslim minority. Investigates claims of Narendra Modi’s role in the 2002 riots in Gujarat. Let us tell you that the committee constituted on the instructions of the Supreme Court to investigate the Gujarat riots had given a clean chit to Narendra Modi.

AK Antony’s son resigns from all Congress posts
At the same time, Anil Antony, son of Congress leader AK Antony, who supported the banning of the BBC documentary, resigned from all party posts on Wednesday morning. He said- Congress had asked me to delete the tweet, but I refused. Has sycophancy become the criteria of merit? He had tweeted at 1 pm on Tuesday saying that keeping BBC’s views on Indian institutions means undermining the sovereignty of the country.

Anil Antony is the son of senior Congress leader AK Antony.  Anil has resigned from all posts in the Congress party protesting against the BBC documentary.

Anil Antony is the son of senior Congress leader AK Antony. Anil has resigned from all posts in the Congress party protesting against the BBC documentary.

America overturned its stand in 48 hours, said- spoke of press freedom
America changed its stand in 48 hours in the controversy over BBC documentary running in India. He tried to side with the BBC documentary citing freedom of the press. US State Department spokesman Ned Price called the banning of the documentary a matter of freedom of the press. He said that it is high time to highlight the importance of Freedom of Speech all over the world and the same applies in India.

Britain’s Prime Minister said- does not agree with the image of PM Modi in the documentary
On the other hand, the BBC documentary was discussed in the British Parliament. Asked PM Rishi Sunak – What do you have to say on Modi’s role in the riots? On this Sunak said – I do not agree at all with the way Prime Minister Modi has been shown in the BBC documentary. He said- The position of the British government is clear. We do not tolerate violence in any part of the world, but I do not agree at all with the image of PM Modi presented in the documentary.

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