Planning to hit the gym? Three things you should keep in mind

Going to the gym is one of the simplest ways to achieve your fitness goals, whether it is to shed those extra kilos, pack on muscles or just maintain a healthy body. It requires serious dedication, however, so many beginners leave the gym after the first few days of endurance.

However, if you can move past the initial hardship and are able to make time for daily gym sessions, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before starting your training session. If you don’t follow a few basic rules you won’t get optimal results or may even be at risk of injury or poor health. You should keep these things in mind before going to the gym.

Program your biological clock:

We all have a biological clock in our body. This clock tells us about all the needs of the body, so usually you feel hungry at the same time of the day. Similarly, you have to set a fixed time for your workout in the gym. It is recommended to set a certain time so that your biological clock gradually prepares your body for the grueling session every day.

Do not exercise on empty stomach:

This is one of the worst mistakes you can make. Exercising on an empty stomach can make you lose precious energy and reduce your stamina. You may experience other symptoms of low blood sugar, such as dizziness, nausea, or tremors.

Another potential risk is that your body will begin to store more fat than usual as it gets used to constantly drawing it from its fat stores for energy. It is advisable to have fruit juice, oatmeal, protein or anything rich in carbohydrates before hitting the gym.

Do not forget to stretch and warm up before training:

Many people make the mistake of starting resistance training as soon as they enter the gym without stretching or warming up. Stretching and warming up are very important because they gradually warm up the muscles, preparing them for the training session. Warming up will improve muscle elasticity and allow for efficient cooling, which means less chance of accidentally injuring yourself or overheating during your workout and ruining your day.

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