Planning a Food Festival this Durga Puja? Here’s How You Deal With Stomach Problems

There are not one but many ingredients in our kitchen which can remove stomach related problems.

The solution to all stomach related problems is in the kitchen.

Durga Puja is one of the biggest festivals in West Bengal and any big celebration demands a lot of food. In Indian tradition, a festival means a variety of traditional foods, including everything from spicy, salty to sweet. Avoiding all foods is next to impossible for anyone. Hence, people tend to overeat during festivals, sometimes more than they can digest. A person’s day may start with sweets and end with biryani and all this can lead to the problem of indigestion.

A person may face problems like gas, heartburn, stomach cramps due to indigestion and this can be a cause of embarrassment for people. However, most people do not know that the solution to all these problems lies in their kitchen. There are not one but many ingredients in our kitchen which can remove stomach related problems. The things we use in our daily food can remove stomach problems. A while back, lifestyle expert Luke Coutinho shared a video on his Instagram account containing a recipe for a drink that would help with indigestion.

In the video, he has told an easy home remedy. Coutinho used one teaspoon celery, also called bishop’s weed, one teaspoon cumin called cumin, one teaspoon fennel also called fennel, and about four black peppercorns. Take one liter of water and boil it and then boil all these things in it. The whole process should take about 5 to 7 minutes. Filter all this and take about 200 ml of it at a time. He added that the drink gives a person relief from bloating, excess gas formation and can also be helpful in constipation.

Luke mentioned that although it would help, it is very important to address the root cause of the problem. The reasons for their constipation, ingestion, gas etc. should be known.

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