‘People of India ended politically unstable atmosphere by..’: PM tells Indian community in Berlin | Top Quotes

PM Narendra Modi addresses members of the Indian community
Image Source : @ANI

PM Narendra Modi addresses members of the Indian community in Berlin, Germany

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday addressed members of the Indian community at Theater at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, Germany. He is currently on the first leg of his three-nation Europe trip that will also take him to Denmark and France. The visit comes amid the Ukraine crisis, which has united much of Europe against Russia. Modi began his address by stating that he is in the German capital to neither talk about himself nor the Modi government. The PM, in his speech, said that the people of India ended the politically unstable atmosphere of the last three decades by just pressing a button.

Here are the PM’s top quotes:

  • I want to talk to you about the capabilities of crores of Indians and sing their praises. When I speak about crores of Indians, it includes not only the people who live there but also those who live here.
  • The people of India ended the politically unstable atmosphere of the last three decades by pressing a button. After 30 years a full majority government was elected in 2014 and the people of India made the government stronger in 2019.
  • We are celebrating 75 years of independence this year. I am the first Prime Minister who was born in independent India. The peak on which India would be at the time it celebrates 100 years of independence, India is strongly taking step after step and walking swiftly toward that goal.
  • For reform, political will is needed. Today India is moving forward in all fields incl quality of life, quality of education and others. The country, bureaucracy, government offices are the same but now we are getting better results.
  • The price of Internet data is so low in India that it is unbelievable for many nations. Last year, India’s share was 40% in Real-time global digital payments… Now no PM will have to say that I send Re 1 from Delhi but only reaches 15 paise.
  • New India doesn’t think of a secure future alone. It takes risks, it innovates, it incubates. I remember that around 2014, our country had only 200-400 startups. Today, the country has more than 68,000 startups.
  • Today, all global parameters say that several dozens of these startups have become unicorns. It’s not restricted to unicorns alone, today I can proudly say that numerous unicorns in my country are becoming decacorns too. It means they are crossing the level of USD 10 Billion.
  • Today, Govt isnt chaining down the innovators, it’s pushing them forward by pumping vigour in them. If you want to innovate in geospatial area, or build new kinds of drones or rockets or satellites – today India offers the most open and nurturing environment for this.
  • Earlier there was one nation but two constitutions. It took seven decades to implement one nation and one constitution. It has been implemented only now.

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