People are not getting second dose because Covaxin is not available in Kolkata. Video: Kovasin does not match with Kolkata, people are worried about the second dose of Kolkata


The year will be good, there may be some pressure at work, but the year will be good, there may be a gathering of guests in the family, give yourself some time this year.

Keep a little cool in the new year, there may be some trouble in the office, in this new year there can be a conversation with a new person.

Look at the body in the new year, may get pain in stomach, new job opportunities may come, keep an eye on expenses

The new year is the sum of love, affection and marriage, give yourself some time, you can go somewhere with family.

The office environment will be good in the new year, if you can talk less, then stay away from secret enemies, new job opportunities may come.

An old friend can come back in the new year, this week has been fruitful for businessmen, students can expect good results

You may suffer from lack of confidence in the new year. Meditate to get peace of mind. . Try to keep yourself away from immoral activities.

Keep an eye on the body in the new year, may be due to cold and cough, the time is good for teachers

There are chances of promotion in the field in the new year, there may be a dispute with the mother of the family.

In the new year, you will get name, fame, prestige, all this today. Your mental and physical condition will remain positive this week.

If you are expecting a pleasant change in the new year, then this week will bring you many opportunities. You will have a special tendency in creative subjects like art, dance, literature etc. Monotonous daily life will come alive. Enjoy meeting loved ones. The day is also good for the students. Hard work will not go in vain. There will be great success in work. Financial gains are likely.

Keep your eyes and ears open in the new year, beware of secret enemies, can buy a new house or car, there may be a gathering of guests

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