Pension Benefit in Aircraft Accident Cases Extended to Cover All Cases After 1996 – World Latest News Headlines

Vijay Mohan

Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 14

Twelve years after the rules were amended to include additional categories for award of casual pension in cases of aircraft accidents, the benefits have been extended to cover all cases after 1996.

Earlier, only cases after September 8, 2009, the date of issue of the revised rules, for death or disability in various circumstances caused or aggravated by military service were covered for such pension awards.

In 2001, as per the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission regarding contingency pension awards for officers and other ranks of the Armed Forces, one of the circumstances involved in ‘combat vaccination training exercise or demonstration with live ammunition’.

Subsequently, in 2009, it was decided by the Ministry of Defense that the term “Battle Inoculation Training Exercise” would cover six categories. These include flight operations involved in rehearsal of war plans and implementation of operational instructions including international exercises, all combat and tactical flights in combat readiness, valley flying and missions involving operations at ultra low level, all operational missions undertaken during peacekeeping missions Huh. as special operations were included. , Live Operational Readiness Platform, Reiki, Intelligence, Survey and Induction trials of new weapons, missions in support of troops and security forces deployed in forward areas and finally flying missions involving landing at Advance Landing Ground.

The ministry’s September 9, 2009 letter specifying these categories clearly states that “cases already disposed of before the date of issue of this letter shall not be reopened.”

A memorandum issued by the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare earlier this month said the matter has been examined in the ministry and it has been decided to apply in cases of flight accidents that happened on or after January 1, 1996. The date of the Fifth Pay Commission, and which strictly falls under the above six categories, can also be considered for providing pension benefits.

“The concerned Service Headquarters/Record Offices are advised to strictly re-examine each such case as per the above six categories in consultation with the Principal Controller of Defense Accounts without any deviation,” the memorandum said.

Between 1996 and 2009, dozens of Armed Forces fighter and transport aircraft as well as helicopters were involved in accidents in which aircraft crew as well as passengers lost their lives. This included operations in conflict zones like Kargil as well as training exercises in war-like situations like Operational Parakram and Siachen.