Patanjali will beat Hindustan Unilever by 2025, focus on research, health and education: Ramdev

Haridwar: Yoga guru Swami Ramdev on Tuesday claimed that Patanjali Yogpeeth made a significant contribution to the country’s economy during the pandemic and inspired India to become a self-reliant country.

During a press briefing today, Ramdev put forth the expansion plan of Patanjali Group and claimed that the firm has outdone all companies except Hindustan Unilever. He said that by the year 2025, we will also leave behind Hindustan Unilever.

“All the MNCs had filled this country with the spirit of self-growth. They had monopolized our economy. But Patanjali has put a stop to their monopoly and dominance and today we are proud that Patanjali has created a niche for itself. New inspiration has been created. -Reliant India. This voice of self-reliance has been given such height that today it has set a new record of serving the nation by defeating all other foreign companies except Unilever.”

Speaking on employment in the country, the yoga guru said that Patanjali is not a brand but a movement. We have given employment to five lakh people in five years and will give employment to five lakh more people in the coming five years.

Further in his address Ramdev introduced a new line of medicines. He said that 80-90 percent of the people in India are deficient in Vitamin D. Wherein 50-60 percent of the people are deficient in protein. Similarly, people are deficient in various vitamins. We have made all these available in ayurvedic way.

“I am proud that more than 100 research and evidence-based medicines have been created. At the same time, traditional, cultural medicines have also been retained. We have a team of about five hundred scientists in this work,” he said.

Elaborating on Patanjali’s future role, Swami Ramdev said, “Further our focus is on research, health and education. Along with this we have to focus on agriculture. Apart from giving economic prosperity to this country, we have also given spiritual prosperity. We bought a company Ruchi Soya, after which its annual turnover was 16,318 crores. The company combined with various companies of Patanjali and Ruchi Soya has contributed more than Rs 30,000 crore to the economic prosperity of this country. Our goal ahead is huge. 2025, this is going to be a big movement in the world overtaking Unilever.”


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