Password Hacked? Here’s How to Find Out Through Google Chrome Password Checker

New Delhi: Worried about the security of your accounts? Have you ever wondered how to find out if a password or group of passwords has been hacked, or how to keep your passwords safe? Most people are completely unaware that their Google, Facebook, Twitter or other passwords have been compromised. is an important issue. In fact, the password is the most important security cover for your information.

Google has introduced an additional layer of security in its Chrome browser to protect your data and notify you if passwords of various social media accounts like Google, Facebook, Twitter, bank accounts and more have been hacked. It is known as Google Chrome Password Checker. The best part about this Chrome extension is that it can inform you how all your saved and synced passwords are working.

The built-in Chrome password tool can assist in the event of a data breach as it works with all saved and synced passwords. The tool not only checks all saved passwords for possible leaks, but also informs the user about the strength of the password.

How to Use Chrome to Determine Whether Your Passwords Have Been Hacked

– To use the Password Checker tool, you must first upgrade your Chrome browser. Your web browser must be updated to Chrome 96 or later.

– Then open your Google Chrome browser and select ‘Settings’ from the three-dot menu in the top right corner of the screen.

– Select ‘Autofill’ from the drop-down menu, then select ‘Password’.

After that select Checked Passwords.

It will automatically check all saved passwords in history and sort them into groups based on whether they are compromised or vulnerable. It will advise you to reset your password as soon as possible if your password has been tampered with.

How to keep your password strong?

According to a recent survey, ‘password’, ‘12345’, ‘123456’, ‘123456789’, ‘12345678’, ‘1234567890’, ‘1234567’, ‘qwerty’ and ‘abc123’ are the most used in India There are passwords to go. by NordPass. According to reports, all these passwords can be broken within a second! Yes, you read that right, in the span of a second! So, how can you be sure that your password is secure? Here are some pointers:

Make each account password unique: Use different passwords for Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, online banking and other services. Reusing passwords is not a good idea.

Long and memorable: Passwords that are at least 12 characters long are more secure than short and easy to guess passwords. Any musical song, a lovely series of words that are valuable to you, or a quote from a book can all be wonderful choices. Adding digits and special characters, such as hashtags (#) to long passwords, makes them even more secure.

No Personal Information and Common Words: Avoid using your common surname, the address of a family member, or other publicly available information.

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